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Showing posts with label Is There A Chance After Failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is There A Chance After Failure. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Is There A Chance After Failure?

Is There A Chance After Failure?

FAILURE has many faces, iterations and versions.  So, which FAILURE should we dread most?  I'l quickly quip:  I dread most that FAILURE where the chance to retry again is simply NONE, keiner [in German], aucun [in French] and ninguna [in Espanol and in one word, I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.  You might challenge me back when I kept harping TRY AND TRY UNTIL YOU SUCCEED.  Yes you're absolutely right BUT we never guaranteed and etched on stone that those chances to retry is akin to infinity.  No sirrrrrrs.  Is There A Chance After Failure? So, for now, let me answer conditionally YES because those chances will keep popping up until such time we have run out of luck, and that's when the water would finally stop from flowing from the faucet⚓⚓⚓
So, do we have a problem at hand?  YES we do and that's how to avert hitting the wall which tells us that we've ran kaput, that that's the end of the line.  So HOW?  Primero, to quote American Essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson, NOTHING GREAT WAS EVER ACHIEVED WITHOUT ENTHUSIASM.  In short, DON'T let anything discourage you.  Interestingly, "ENTHUSIASM" takes its roots from the Greek words "en" and "theos" and it means, IN GOD💊💊💊
Segundo, TRY and TRY WITH PERSISTENCE.  Simply put, keep DOING and keep MOVING.  And most importantly, if the efforts you exerted in ATTEMPT #1 is @ gauge20, in your ATTEMPT #2, your exerted efforts should NOT just be @ gauge21 or gauge22.  'UP THE ANTE' by several notches.  A token attempt will be self-defeating📙📗📘
Truth is, many give up after they have tried a few times.  A last final try is built upon many earlier attempts and all of them go into the making of success.  Allow me to quote the respected Former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge:  NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN TAKE THE PLACE OF PERSISTENCE".  He added that talent or genius can take the place of PERSISTENCE💴💵💷
Lastly, we should TRY AND TRY AGAIN with that earnest HOPE.  We just CAN'T and SHOULD NOT give up HOPE.  We should HOPE for a better tomorrow.  We should HOPE that there will be light at the end of the tunnel [and HOPE that that light is NOT an incoming train].  HOPE that your attempts will finally nail down SUCCESS✅✅✅

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