Never Split The Difference [As In NEVER]
This is a bit of a brief intellectual discourse WHEN in our daily life, we are faced with more than just two probabilities OR options. For alignment, Mr Amazon defines it as that theory that offers as a source WHEN 'defusing a potential crisis, winning people over and achieving your very own goals'. If I may add, these are scenarios where there is/are crystal-clear differences between Option A and Option B and YET, we sometimes feel 'SPLIT' between such two options to an extent WHEREIN we sometimes opt for a compromise, a modus vivendi. And like it OR not, this is WHERE this theory to Never Split The Difference [As In NEVER] comes into the pictureπππ

LIKE contemplating for the career path of your child, you're considering either the medical OR technology fields. And you end up SPLITTING THE DIFFERENCE by opting for a career that is somewhere 'middle of the road' between the medical and technology career paths. YES, the PROs are loud and clear here, that is, your choice is NOT too far from either career paths BUT here's the thing: Did you get the UPSIDEs for each of those career paths???OR here's a couple contemplating to buy their first property and two options they're looking at are either a landed property OR a condominium. Challenge is, that will never be an apples-to-apples comparison. You can rattle off comparisons and the list will be mile-long. LIKE a landed property will offer you enough space for your gardens. LIKE a condominium being located within the business district where your office is located. Sometimes, the decision becomes a compromise one, like settling down with a landed property much closer to the business district but then it becomes pricey, and the lot size becomes significantly smaller. WHAT's the lesson there? True you managed to buy a property BUT you DIDN'T reap the best UPSIDE of either your original Option A OR Option B. Instead, you ended up somewhere NEITHER HERE NOR THERE. Oh Oh Oh, NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCEπππ If you're relatively new in the job market, you could then be eyeing to land a corporate job in one of the recognized MNCs OR you're also contemplating to have your startup business as an entrepreneur. Oh Oh Oh, there is a huge gap between those two options and frankly, that is a major crossroad to take. BUT do you know that based on studies, a plurality of decisions end up neither on that MNC nor the startup business option BUT instead, they end up with job roles somewhere in the 'middle of the road', more to facilitate the decision-making. Hey Hey Hey dude, NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCEπ§π§π§ Our takeaway: WHERE possible, NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE, NEVER take a 'middle of the road' decision UNLESS that is really the best option to take at hand. True, we were trained to always consider a COMPROMISE because at times, that is the best path to take. BUT hey, let us NOT allow the exception to become the rule. Just NEVER SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE, where possibleπ₯π₯π₯