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Showing posts with label Close Enough Is Not Enough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Close Enough Is Not Enough. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2023

Close Enough Is Not Enough

Close Enough Is Not Enough

How many times were we Close Enough to achieving our goal but Not Enough yet to hit the goal?  NOT to despair, there is NOTHING to feel bad when we seemed on the right track until a last-minute snafu causes us to miss hitting OR achieving our goal?  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT [and it's tough to be in that hole, dude]💴💵💷

Looking back, I'll admit I missed quite a hell number of goals and targets.  I faltered countless times but the toughest moments were those CLOSE CALLS, those times when I felt I was SO CLOSE but still missing my goal by a breath, by a hairline.  Admittedly, those kinds of debacles will hit us damn hard. many times impacting our own motivation, our morale.  NOT to scare you. on a first person account, I can attest I have witnessed people WHO were so close to their goal but they still faltered by a close shave📗📙📘

The saddest part with those CLOSE CALLS is when it breaks the spirit of a person, kind of silencing his own motivation.  Regrettably, I can attest on a first person account people who RAISED the WHITE FLAG for very compelling reasons...... THAT they have given all they can give.....THAT they felt they have NOTHING to squeeze further from deep inside....... THAT after so much soul-searching, they [wrongly] thought they have NOTHING else to pour out📌📌📌

NOT to self-proclaim that I'm an expert in fixing this kind of debacles, I can share HOW I did the turnaround, albeit in very challenging paths.  First off, I had to accept my shortfalls and identify the root cause of that shortfall.  Thereafter, I went back to the drawing board after concluding that tweaking things WON'T lead me back on track.  Next off, I plotted a RECOVERY PLAN because the first step is to extricate oneself from that deep hole❎❎❎

In the competitive world of sports, the doggedly determined athlete may even dump away his coach and trainers, infusing NEW BLOOD by tapping  hitherto experts NOT associated with his training regimen.  BUT be cautious though.  It is so easy [and convenient] replace your coach and trainers but it takes a real genuine intestinal fortitude to face the mirror and identify your shortfalls and plot your way back.  Remember, to be CLOSE ENOUGH is NOT ENOUGH❗❗❗

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