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Showing posts with label Say NO Instead of Silence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Say NO Instead of Silence. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Say NO Instead of Silence

Say NO Instead of Silence

It's perfectly understandable when we hear someone say that he/she would rather remain SILENT rather than Say NO.  I agree with that dilemma because I've been there, done that and it's a tough call to make.  It even pushes you to the DAMN IF YOU, DAMN IF YOU DON'T kind of thing.  Despite our common denominator of a dilemma here, experts are one in saying that it is appropriate to Say NO Instead of SilenceπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

The worst situation where you want to say NO but squeezed in between is when you are in the middle of heated argument [and even if that argument is healthily engaged by both parties].  IF saying NO leads to a break or cutoff of a relationship, IF saying NO means breaking off from a partnership that just can't fail, IF saying NO means parrying or pivoting in a difficult situation, the expert advice is to hold in abeyance such response or action.  BUY TIMEπŸ’΄πŸ’΅πŸ’·

All things being equal, why is saying NO better than SILENCE?  Primero, saying NO is never a FAILURE.  The truth is, receiving a 'NO' for an answer is much better than an eerie SILENCEWHY  Because 'NO' leaves little room for debate.  You have your answer and you can move on to bigger and better things.  True it WASNT a YES but a YES is coming and that 'NO' wasn't it.  Makes sense?  So, by being afraid to say 'NO', we are actually closing off the possibility of a YES.  In which case, there are only two acceptable outcomes namely, YES and NOπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

How do you overcome that dilemma or saying either YES or NO?  You have to try until you get to one or the other.  DON'T settle for SILENCE because it is NOT an absolute.  You CAN neither leave the door open or closed because silence puts everything in LIMBO.  And we all know, if and when we're in LIMBO, we're neither here nor there.  'NO' is therefore better than SILENCE✅✅✅
Now, let's take an extra step forward.  What's stopping us to say 'NO'?  Generally, right behind all these will be that FEAR lurking right behind you.  That FEAR of rejection.  That FEAR of offending.  That FEAR of burning bridges.  That FEAR of NOT being able to stand scrutiny when your 'NO response gets challenged from all fronts.  So what's our FIX?  Dump away across the window that FEAR because to Say NO is much better than SILENCE❗❗❗

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