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Showing posts with label Life Can Be Like A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Can Be Like A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Life Can Be Like A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'

Life Can Be Like A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'

No one wants to exist within a HOUSE OF CARDS, NOT in life.  All throughout, we were always reared to put in place the sturdiest foundations that will help us become resilient regardless of the turmoil and challenges that we will face.  And this is no less relevant in relationships.  WHY do some of the relationships crumble so swiftly, shocking people WHO thought a couple had everything going between them.  OR even in friendships, WHY do some friendships last our lifetime even when the friends themselves are now residing at locations separated by thousands of miles apart?  And at the workplace, WHY do some employees work with an organization till retirement? YESLife Can Be Like A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'📗📙📘
I remember couples awash with all the financial resources, everything was going in their favor to an extent that they had commercial forays that seemed reasonably feasible given all their financial chest.  UNTIL one day, I learned that they filed for bankruptcy.  A horizon that was so bright ahead suddenly turned gloomier than ever.  And sometimes, it's befuddling if theirs was a HOUSE OF CARDS that crumbled???

YES, we DON'T need to have an Engineering degree to have the sound fundamentals of STRENGTH OF MATERIALS [a subject I always heard from my bff WHO was into Engineering at that time].  BUT that's the long and short of it, it all boils down to the STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.  And it all starts with us as a person.  Our core values.  HOW far are we embracing our core values.  And HOW consistent are we in 'WALKING THE TALK' because at the end of the day, it's NOT verbose statements that will matter BUT it's HOW you LIVE LIFE.  Thing is, we DON'T want to living a hallowed life, window-dressed to a 'T' BUT one which can crumble down like a HOUSE OF CARDS💥💥💥

True, the coolest stuff our eyes will get mesmerized is an impressively constructed house, a relationship between couples WHO seem as the best partners ever, a business that grows and expands organically instead of witnessing things in a BIG BANG approach.  YET, behind all these, let us NOT miss out the foundational aspect, whether it's about our relationships, our work, our business.  We're NOT buying-in if your house looks impressive across its four sides.  Instead, WHAT will be remarkably recognized if that house structure does withstand the wrath of cyclones and hurricanes and even the cruelest winter.  WHAT we want in life is to withstand and endure all challenges we face✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  Let us NOT be enamored by all the nice and dandy things on the surface.  Take time and invest in efforts to dig up a foundation deep enough so that it DOESN'T get uprooted of whatever upheaval along the way.  Let us envision to be the last man standing, to have our relationship standing up there, for our business endeavors to keep chugging and chugging relentlessly.  YES, LIFE CAN BE LIKE A 'HOUSE OF CARDS'😀😀😀

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