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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Breaking Barriers


Breaking Barriers

Do we need to break barriers ?

Or do we want to live a life with no barriers ?

Or do we just turn blind when we come across barriers ?

First and foremost, if we want to live a life without barriers, that is not life per se. You may still be very much alive by then but in real terms, you are not. Why ? Because barriers are very much embedded in the weaving threads of our lives.

On the other hand, there is that second school of thought wherein they just wanna live life, just coasting along and when they hit barriers, they look the other way around or simply put, they just live life blindly. Obviously you can still survive with that kind of mindset but did you ever reckon how far can you go with that blinded life ? A life wherein you avoid barriers. A life wherein barriers are simply skirted around. A life wherein barriers are nothing but pebbles in the sand ?

Not to push you down deeper into that deep morass but if we got that ‘blind’ mindset, that is akin to playing not to lose. And in the end, you will lose, bet you. With that refusal to break or overcome barriers, either we don’t recognize that those barriers ever exist or at worse, we belittle those barriers as nothing but just fixtures to be stomped on and stamped over.

Whereas if we recognize barriers we hit along the way, that says tonnes and tonnes about you as a person, that speaks volumes of your intestinal fortitude to carry on with your life, aiming for more successes, regardless if those are tepid successes because those low-hanging fruits and brownie points in life are your pedestals as you keep aiming to land on the next lofty steps of that endless stairways that are so steep for the lesser mortals, the weaker souls.

IF ever you are that lesser mortal and weaker soul now, fret not. It’s not the end of the line as long as you can see the upside, that bright side of things. Remember, that ‘pot of gold’ is never handed on a silver platter. You got to sweat it out to get a hold of that ‘pot of gold’ even if that means you need to squeeze yourself high and dry till the last drop.

That old cliché “NO GUTS NO GLORY”, we should redefine it now by borrowing this from THE STRIVE’s “KNOW GUTS AND YOU’LL KNOW GLORY”

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