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Showing posts with label Is Time Our 'ALLY'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is Time Our 'ALLY'. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Is Time Our 'ALLY'?

Is Time Our 'ALLY'?

Is Time Our 'ALLY'?  Let's face it.  Our societies, regardless of culture, all promote for us all to be busy at all times and at all costs.  As a result, it seems that we all end up always rushing.  But before we deep-dive in this thread, let's face the fact that TIME can be our ALLY or our NEMESIS depending on the circumstances at hand.  Time being our ALLY should not be a hard-sell because TIME as our resource makes them as our best ALLY we can ask forπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Oh, we all learn that we learn early on in our life that we better be ON TIME for things or bad stuff may happen.  Be late to turn-in your papers and your grade may end up potentially lower.  Be late to pay your bills and you may end up stuck with penalties and surcharges.  Be late to finish your work and at worst, we might end up out of job.  As a result, many people conclude that TIME is our NEMESISTHAT it must be battled and beaten⏳⏳⏳

NOT being akin to turtles, we all agree that prevailing and winning over TIME can never be permanent.  WHY?  Because the clock gets RESET either tomorrow, the next week, the next month or in that next cycle.  How often have we heard "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO HOLD ON TO REGRET" or LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORK ON A JOB YOU DISLIKE" or "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE ON HOLIDAYS WITH MY FAMILY"πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Aphorisms like all these tend to imply that TIME is our NEMESIS !@#$%  But should we agree that TIME is NOT the reason why we ought to to give up regret or to 'UP' our game?  Even the shortness of life is NOT the reason.  There is an assumption going on that the entirety misses where the real problem lies.  Obviously, a short life and limited TIME would be a blessing❗❗❗

But when we approach our problems and challenges at hand from this standpoint, TIME becomes NOT only 'NOT OUR NEMESIS' but TIME can become our ALLY.  When we have that habit that needs fixing, imagine how our life would be if we delayed action to fix it?    So, let's be TIME-conscious every step of our way because in an instant, TIME can turn from our ALLY to our NEMESIS✅✅✅

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