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Showing posts with label Relationships Are NOT Fixes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships Are NOT Fixes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Relationships Are NOT Fixes

Relationships Are NOT Fixes!@#$%?

Surely, many of us [and that includes moi] were, at some points in the past, were waylaid based on the premise that Relationships Are Fixes BUT hey dude, Relationships Are NOT Fixes, NOT at all.  Many times in the past, I was legitimately aware of wonderful relationships of people I know on first hand basis.  I even remember their random texted questions punctuated with the same angst and 'IS THIS OKAY-ness' of the first few months of relationships.  Oh YES, we all know that, all the blissfulness during that honeymoon phase, NOT UNTIL many months later, you realized that THE PARTY'S OVER📗📙📘

BUT hey, I'm sorry for the confusion, our thread today is NOT about relationships at all.  Instead, we'd like to tackle circumstances WHEN we get confronted with our zillion issues in life sometimes, we [VERY WRONGLY] thought that by plunging into a relationship, that FIXES our issues.  NO WAY, Jose!!!  WHY?  Simple and straightforward.  NO other human can FIX you except you YOURSELF.  And let's do admit that many times, we ourselves CAN'T FIX our very own selves.  And if you inject relationships into that equation, you're doomed, dude💥💥💥

True, I'll be the very first to defend the unsullied proposition that relationships are good and amazing BUT dude, it's NOT enough.  And once we [sometimes unconsciously] shift the onus and responsibility to another person, you are now implying that your FIX to your issue is another 'person-dependent' one?  If so, WHY do you need to work on it yourself???

Frankly, once we place the blame of our anger, selfishness and lack of communications skills on others, we tend to be sidestepping our personal responsibility.  And that's running away from the issue at hand!!!  WHAT happens next is that leads us to issues that will only tend to become compounding because we have, by default, relinquished from the responsibility standing on our shoulders.  BUT hold on, we can still leverage on relationships much as we front the solutioning💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  There is NO ONE SIZE THAT FITS ALL.  You got to labor and exert efforts coupled with sweat [and sometimes frustration] to pin down the eventual FIX of your issue.  YES your relationship can give you those sporadic inspirations BUT please DON'T just dump the whole issue on that relationship.  it just DOESN'T work that way.  RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT FIXES, dude💦💦💦

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