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Showing posts with label Feeling Left Behind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeling Left Behind. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Feeling Left Behind?

Feeling Left Behind?

YES YES YES, life is ultra uber competitive.  Even at our younger age, most of the time we would feel like we were running late in our own life.  And as the other side of the fence seems [always?  really?] greener, in our eyes, everyone else seems to be ON TIME for theirs OR maybe even ahead of schedule.  Sometimes, we would have wished that we lived in outer space.  WHY?  Maybe because in outer space, time DOESN'T matter like it does [matter] here on our mother Earth.  Thing is, peer pressure is too much even early in life.  You could have just graduated from high school and now feeling [in a novice's plight] the life of a university freshman.  OR probably you're a rookie at work whereas your friends and classmates you heard are now holding on to stable jobs, stable lives whereas here you are, still Feeling Left Behind???

Problem is, on this damn planet Earth, all we seem to care about is time.  HOW much we do have of it and how little we have left of it.  Our phones show us every time we look at them.  Alarms scream at us to remind us of it every morning. It seems our life sometimes feels like it's dictated by times and dates on calendars💧💧💧

Sadly, from an early age in our life, it feels like society ingrains in us the supposed 'timeline' of our life.  This supposed timeline that many of us unknowingly hold in our minds, it can make you feel like you've failed at your own life if you HAVEN'T reached the goals society expects that you should have reached at a certain age.  It can feel quite isolating [like you're behind everyone else your age].  It is also exhausting trying to live up to other people's ideas of WHAT you should be doing OR WHAT you should have already done in your life???

Just as they may have NO idea WHAT our life is like, we may have NO idea about their lives either.  Sometimes, it is hard to see that others HAVEN'T got everything worked out in life like we feel they do [especially since their social media tries to persuade us otherwise].  Indeed, it is quite hard to see past all the accomplishments and happy moments people share online, to actually see the person whose life is far from that 'SHINY PERFECTION' they are trying to show online.  Sadly, most people's lives AREN'T a 'walk in the park' like it may seem.  YES, some have had their good times and their bad times [just like you do].  It's just hard to see that sometimes💥💥💥

Our takeaway:  Just as people may have NO idea WHAT our life is like, we may have NO idea about their lives either.  Sometimes, it is hard to see that others HAVEN'T got everything worked out in life like we feel they do [especially since their social media tries to persuade us otherwise].  And it's hard to see past all the accomplishments and happy moments people share online, to actually see the person whose life is far from what is being projected.  Unfortunately, it is human nature to compare so I WON'T ask you to stop comparing yourselves to others BUT when you do OR if you do, take time to think about HOW your story and life might be different to theirs, think about everything you've had to overcome to get WHERE you are today.  Just because we may NOT have the opportunity OR be ready to fulfill our life goals right now DOESN'T mean it's NOT going to happen.  It just means that it may happen at a different time for you than others.  Thing is, we are all running exactly ON TIME for our OWN LIVES.  And frankly, NO ONE SHOULD FEEL LEFT BEHIND at all❗❗❗

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