SCAMS are everywhere, sad to say. BUT before we get embroiled in the much larger and wider landscape of SCAMS, for today, our thread will share HOW to initiate that preemptive move of NOT [inadvertently] clicking a LINK sent via those SMS SCAMS which prey on our human nature to react instantaneously in the face of emergencies OR fears. Surely, as we speak now, everyone has had his/her fair share of received SMS SCAMS with embedded links BUT in our [ADVISORY ALERT] Latest PRE-EMPTIVE Tip For SMS Scams thread today, we'd like to share that PRE-EMPTIVE move against those 'LINKS'📘📙📗
In your iPhone, go to SETTING ----> APPS -----> MESSAGES then scroll down the screen and under 'MESSAGE FILTERING', enable it. Besides sorting out messages WHO are NOT in your contact list, it will preemptively disable the embedded link in that potential SMS SCAM. That preemptively fixes 90% of the most common miscues we end-users will stumble across when these SMS SCAMMERS will have those embedded links because they are 'piggy-backing' on the frailties of human nature WHEREIN we react [sometimes in 'PANIC' mode] WHEN the SMS message seemingly alerts you in various shapes and forms, e.g.:
- THAT your online banking account got flagged and blocked
- THAT your purported Fedex/UPS parcel is 'ON HOLD'
- THAT your CPF account [in Singapore] needs attention
- THAT your vehicle got flagged for a violation with penalties
- THAT your ['named'] next of kin is now at the hospital ER
To quote BleepingComputer @https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/phishing-texts-trick-apple-imessage-users-into-disabling-protection/, the latest SMS ruse can be recognized by the way it tries to get you to reply with a 'Y' to enable a link embedded in the SMS text. That message might also get you to copy and paste the link into SAFARI. Replying to that message OR moving the link elsewhere gets around a key security measure in Apple's IOS [WHICH upon enabling the FILTERING option discussed above, links from senders WHO are NOT in your contacts list are DISABLED BY DEFAULT❗❗❗