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Showing posts with label Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together

 Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together

This could be one of the oldest and most recycled proverb within the modern times, i.e. 
 Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together.  Question is, how can it continue to endure and get requoted a zillion times till now ?  It's because it has been proven true over and over again over time across all the strata of society and cutting across ages and generations.  Is this still worth talking today ?  Absolutely YES because there are many insightful lessons we can pick up from this old proverb, albeit heavily recycled.  

DONT get me wrong.  We're NOT shying away from this proverb.  We're NOT shooting this down and peppering with bullets.  If it's NOT detrimental to us and if it's NOT inimical to us, let's go for it.  I'm all for it.  BUT here's all the BUTs.  If you round up with losers, you'll end up with losers.  And when you're with losers, unconsciously you'll pick up their habits and attitude in life.  If you're with negative and cynical people all the time, you'll become cynical and negative.  In the end, you will end up living the lives of other people.  

 What's the fix for all these? Align yourself with positive and powerful people.  People who can encourage and empower you.  People you can learn from.  Align yourself with people LIKE YOU, people who dream LIKE YOU, people who want more in life, people who keep stretching and searching and seeking the HIGHER GROUND in life as opposed to the majority out there.  Always strive to get on top in life because it's the bottom that's OVERCROWDED.  Why is it OVERCROWDED there?  Because it doesn't take any effort to be there.

But hey, you DON'T want to be at the bottom because it doesn't take any motivation in order to stay down there on a lower level.  Harness yourself and tell yourself that you're going to challenge yourself.  Many times, things that we shouldn't do, we do.  And this tells us that the biggest enemy we gotta deal with is ?  OURSELF, whew !  As that old African proverb goes, 'IF THERE'S NO ENEMY WITHIN THE ENEMY OUTSIDE WILL DO US NO HARM'.  So what is it you're doing now that will be a liability to you ?  

Look towards the future, take an inventory of yourself and ask yourself, what is it about you that you should leave behind because it NO LONGER FITS ?  Unless you change your behavior and pattern, you're going to continue to produce the same results in 

your life.  When you reassess yourself, you would know whether you got a SMASH or a FLOP.  Worst, when you say 'NO' to yourself, by then you have taken yourself out of things.  And here's a VERIFIED FACT:  87% of our SELF-TALK is NEGATIVE. So we gotta take a conscious and deliberate effort to extricate ourselves from this deep morass.  And remember that whatever you have done in the past is not a reflection of your possibilities but instead, it's just a reflection of your consciousness.  Final word ?  let's TRUST OURSELF by building up the very foundation of our self-confidence. As the French say, 'TU PEUX LE FAIRE" [YOU CAN DO IT]. ðŸ“ŒðŸ“ŒðŸ“Œ

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