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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze


Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Often times in life, the dividends do not justify effort, the benefits are not worth the dogged determination and figuratively speaking, the amount of juice you can extract should tell you whether it is worth all the effort you need to exert. Unfortunately, that old of school of thought which tells us that input equals output does NOT apply in life because we live life along a roller coaster road.

That old school of thought, that 'output always equals input' is now a fallacy but for the intransigent who would continue to cling to it, you are setting up yourself to fail. In fact and in truth, you are doomed to fail even before you kickstart that rough and tumble journey into the 'unknown' especially if you embrace this fallacy as your mantra in your journey.

Lots of objects presenting itself as 'fruits' could be hanging along the road you'll be trekking but not fruit-looking ones are indeed fruits. So, you need to be more than just discerning. You need to be incisive. Needless to waste your efforts.

Sharing this quotable quote which hits me hard as it can: 'Sometimes, I put the time in, I put the effort in, I pour my heart out and then I realize...the juice isn't worth the squeeze'. These are not just words of wisdom. These are hard earned lessons that did hit multitudes in the past and surely, you don't want to become another number added in the casualties of this juice thing because it pains to witness failures repeating itself to another hapless soul when lessons should have been shared across.

Take this hitherto unknown quotable quote. This should be a learning experience for us all [even if you have not gone through it] because we don't want you to go through that exercise in futility where you squeeze yourself 'high and dry' till your last ounce, your last drop of energy flatly drains you, pushing you at that precipice to give up, please don't.

Let's take a one last look at RULE 2255: Learn to choose your battles. Battles not fought are not lost; simply battles not worth fighting for. Translating this into our lives, don't get into every tiff, every skirmish, every tussle. Wake yourself up and reassess your fitness, your readiness to take on a foe, a challenge staring you right at your very nose. At the end of the day, you may walk off, walk away from that path and find a countermeasure for you to trudge on. Gotta realize that you're not in a hoops game where you gotta shoot the ball all the time.

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