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Showing posts with label Unlocking YOUR Potential. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unlocking YOUR Potential. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Unlocking YOUR Potential

Unlocking YOUR Potential

Sometimes, simple things evolve to become quite complex because we seem to have over-simplified things.  Like Unlocking YOUR Potential.  For some, it's NOT even a talking point because to them, a POTENTIAL is a POTENTIAL, period.  BUT dude, there lies the huge disconnect because one can have the POTENTIAL to be a foot soldier while another one can have that rare POTENTIAL to become a general somedayπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, there's that huge GAP because the disparity between two possible POTENTIALs can be as wide as the ground versus the sky.  BUT if there is some semblance of commonality, most of us really do want to unlock our POTENTIAL.  To share some quotable quotes from famous names, UFC champion Connor McGregor said that he's WILLING TO DIE IN THE RING [and he means it].  Same one-liner was quoted from Will Smith who was quoted that he's WILLING TO DIE FOR IT if he believes in itπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

Now, have you heard of LAW OF ATTRACTIONTHAT if you believe in something that deeply, it will come into your life?  And I squarely stand behind it because I firmly believe that's WHAT unlocking one's POTENTIAL is all about.  BUT taking that path is akin to threading a mine-filled road.  BUT, first things first, we got to eliminate and dump out in the window even the slightest manifestation of NEGATIVE THINKINGπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

And along a GROWTH MINDSET, change our SELF-TALK because doubt BREEDS more doubt whereas success BREEDS success.  So, first off, let's eliminate NEGATIVE THINKING and close to the heels after dumping that NEGATIVITY, we are encourage to practice GRATITUDE.  To quote psychologists, when we are GRATEFUL, FEAR DISAPPEARS AND ABUNDANCE APPEARS.  And WHEN you think of everything you have, you begin having MORE.  And that's the LAW OF ATTRACTION in action.  WHAT explains the network of Bill Gates to constantly gallop in quantum numbers through the decades?  And WHAT explains the streak of successes by Elon Musk?  Theirs cannot and should NOT be attributed to simply a streak of luck or that alignment of the stars [which is nothing BUT  a figment of our imagination].  Instead, let us think WHAT you want most in life.  WHAT kind of person you wannabe???

Our takeaway:  Let us get embedded in our mantra the MUST-DO to unlock our POTENTIALS by turning around all 'SHOULDs' into 'MUSTs' and in parallel, creating that ultimate belief in yourself.  Fast-forward, somebody said, let's use the rocking chair method by imagining yourself, old and gray, looking back life and asked WHAT did you miss?  WHAT are your regrets?  Those are your MUSTs because achieving them is the ONLY way to know that you lived a full and extraordinary life❗❗❗ 

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