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Showing posts with label Get Your MOJO Back. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get Your MOJO Back. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Get Your MOJO Back !

 Get Your MOJO Back !

Remember how pumped up you were ?  Those first weeks of your class.  Those early weeks in your new job.  That first month of your new project. Until one day when you woke up, you realized you lost your mojo.  Suddenly, the drive was gone, the energy seemed spent, the inertia seemed lost and you realized of late that you were now a shell of that pumped-up, energized and extremely motivated fellow during those first weeks.  How time flies, really.

At the other side of the coin, there seems a plateful of things for you to get focused on.  It's not something where you're really idle.  You realized that that burning motivation suddenly fizzled out.  Suddenly, you realized that what is all left are the sands and the camels.  Unfortunately, much as you wanted to lift your finger now, your moves seem so contrived, no one is biting.  OR, have you priced yourself well beyond ?  Josh Linkner says it @ https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshlinkner/2012/08/16/you-lost-it-7-ways-to-get-your-mojo-back-yeah-baby/?sh=55f1026a7044 wherein he kept harping you gotta CHANGE. CHANGE your view, CHANGE your attitude, CHANGE your patterns, CHANGE your priorities, CHANGE your mentor, BUT and here's the BIG BUT.  not all of those CHANGES will be easy.  In fact and in truth, none of them are.  To quote Linkner:  'they all require a forced change of habit'.

Oh, I love this piece from Emily Hurley-Wilkinson, an accredited personal coach and who became famous for her book 'RECLAIM YOUR MOJO' wherein in her piece @ https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/to-get-your-mojo-back-get-your-breathing-right-1.3361653, she exclaims that what matters most is resiliency because that's at the very core.  

Lolly Daskal says it all in her piece @ https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/6-simple-steps-to-get-your-mojo-back-after-you-lost-it.html#:~:text=Get%20unstuck%20by%20shifting%20your%20perspective.&text=Nothing%20you%20try%20seems%20to,way%20you%20look%20at%20things which can be summed as follows:  go for a QUICK WIN, FOCUS on your mission and NOT on your obligations, get UNSTUCK [by shifting your perspective], stay fat from NEGATIVITY [remember those naysayers], mind what you're saying to yourself [because that matters most] and tap your helpline. Dude, if you wanna be back to your horse, stay focused & DON'T look back at your past.📌

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