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Showing posts with label EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2023

Expectation Is The Root Of All Heartache

Expectation Is The Root Of All Heartache

Allow me to quote the great William Shakespeare who said:  Expectation Is The Root Of All Heartache.  There's just NO way I can disagree with this truism.  Indeed, EXPECTATIONS are a funny thing.  We all have them, and we rarely even realize it because they're so ingrained in our psyches.  It's easy to take for granted that others will meet an EXPECTATION [that someone will do what you want or need them to do without a second thought].  BUT what if they DON'T❓❓❓

WHAT if your EXPECTATIONS of others is quite unrealistic?  Having high EXPECTATIONS of others is 'PREMEDITATED' discontent no less.  What you think will happen may NOT, and if it DOESN'T, we feel unfulfilled.  Now, let's dive into the common reasons having high EXPECTATIONS of others is indeed BAD for us.  Obviously, the most common trigger why we have high EXPECTATIONS of others are our past experiences.  If in the past, that person always met our EXPECTATIONS, obviously we will continue to hope for the same thing to happen๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

In the PAIN SCALE, surely you know where you're pain points are.  So, what pushes you with those EXPECTATIONS?  Your influence triggers that when you believe that your ideas, thoughts, actions and words have an influence on events✅✅✅

And when you think your way is the BEST WAY, you tend to harbor high opinions, then you expect others to hold them high as well.  And that feeling of PRAISE feels good when someone acknowledges your achievements.  You expect others will feel just as good when they accomplish things๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Now, if there is a FEAR that triggers HIGH EXPECTATIONS, that FEAR of FAILURE is the culprit.  If you manage people, your reputation is on the line if you fail in your duties.  This FEAR of FAILURE makes you HIGH-pressure and HIGH-stress.  Having HIGH EXPECTATIONS of others comes from your mindset, fears and experiences.  It is important to recognize this firm belief that something will happen so can have realistic expectations.  Lest you forget, EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE [to quote the great William Shakespeare]❗❗❗

Monday, January 30, 2023



I am NOT an avid Shakesperean but allow me please to quote the great William Shakespeare that 'EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE'.  Surprisingly, despite the fact that this one-liner does NOT sound so poetic, its message really caught me by my lapels.  And I can't find a reason to disagree, realizing of late that indeed, that 'EXPECTATION is the ROOT' not just of heartaches but even relationships that have once blossomed in the past only to have a miserable end⏳⏳⏳

Akin to the plants recently planted, we tend to put so much expectations in life.  Instead of roses and romance, it's not a shocker if what you have now is NETFLIX + NACHOS.  Call it minimal effort but if in any way, those small niceties will enrich one's relationship [instead of sabotaging it], go for it dude.

Obviously, it's altogether a different thing when it involves politics or business, those moments when the negotiators on the negotiating table are hard-nosed enough.  But you'll be surprised, these negotiators have both their feet firmly on the ground such that they know the realistic expectations versus the ideal ones๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
For account managers and sales folks, their customer-facing stance is a stark difference from what reality is.  So you should NOT get surprised if most of them are constantly working under pressure, too much in fact.  Why?  Because they're NOT transparent enough to the client to admit that there's a huge and heavy burden they need to struggle just to 'deliver the goods', so to speak.  So who's at fault here?  Is it the demanding client?  No sirrrrrrs, as an account manager, you dug that deep hole yourself so you got to extricate yourself out because NO one dictated the terms except you๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
BTW, this dilemma impacts every facet of our life, especially our relationships with our spouse/partner, work supervisors/managers and even business partners.  And what's the culprit of these all?  It is our tendency to put the BEST FOOT FORWARD when in fact, doing so is NOT within your capability or at worse, it is NOT realistic enough for you to 'deliver the goods' based on terms and conditions either onerous or just not realistic from your end.  So, would you rather paint a rosy picture now even if it means you will end up as a BIG LETDOWN to the people with whom you set expectations๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

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