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Showing posts with label Forgetting The Shades Of The Trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgetting The Shades Of The Trees. Show all posts

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Forgetting The Shades Of The Trees

Forgetting The Shades Of The Trees

Remember when we were struggling through the blistering heat of the sun, that sweltering summers where we [wrongly] thought we can't gasp enough air to breath not until we came across those Shades Of The Trees.  But after it was way past the scorching heat, how was our awareness of those Shades Of The Trees at that point.  My guess is, almost everyone of us forgot about that treeπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

How many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have dreamt to become U.S. immigrants?  And although I never took that path, I am on the same page with would be-immigrants because more than a decade ago, I did bear witness to thousands and thousands of would-be immigrants in Singapore.  So, I can empathize with all the hardships and stretched patience of aspiring immigrants.  BUT alas, there is a small minority who, upon hurdling all the immigration challenges and finally become permanent immigrants [or even citizens], some of them would seem to have shortened memories, forgetting with whom he/she took refuge during those trying timesπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

We have also heard the African diaspora and thanks God, many Africans are now residents [and citizens] across EU countries and for the African Jews, they migrated to Israel.  BUT the key message here is that, after we have hurdled all the difficulties in life, let us NOT forget WHO extended a helping hand for us, be it financial or even sheer inspirational because we never know, that kind of HELP could have tilted things either in our favor or NOT at allπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

There's an old cliche which says if we fail to look back from where we came from, we may NOT be able to reach our eventual destination.  Whereas, for those who continue to keep that sheer indebtedness even in their hearts, a simple 'Hi' many years after to someone who was instrumental to HELP you in the past, that would be appreciated❗❗❗

Besides that moral indebtedness that we need to keep within ourselves, remembering those SHADES of TREES which protected and sheltered us from the blistering heat of the sun will help us remain grounded with both our two feet.  Moreover, we need to be mindful that there is NO guarantee that those 'difficult' moments, with us struggling under that scorching heat of the sun, there's just NO guarantee that those 'low moments' will NOT hit us again down the road.  Being constantly grounded and mindful of the unpredictability of life should help us sustain that resilience, for us to 'weather storms' all over again in the future, NOT FORGETTING THE SHADES OF THE TREES✅✅✅

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