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Showing posts with label When Life is so FINE & DANDY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When Life is so FINE & DANDY. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

When Life is so FINE & DANDY

When Life is so FINE & DANDY

Luv it, Luv it, Luv it.  When life is so FINE and DANDY, when life is so good, we just can't ask for more.  When everything runs in our favor, when various variables happen true-to-form, there will be neither snafus nor hiccups that can spoil the smoothness of our winning streak in life.  But as it is in life, all good things don't last forever.

We can't be blamed though when we humans are more [notoriously] famous for 'painting the town red' whenever the STARS are ALIGNED.  Parties here and kampais there, it becomes the 'talk of the town' until you end up TOAST [when finally the well dries up].  Which reminds me of the oil wells in the Saudi Arabia where its oil reserves is estimated at 268 billion barrels, whew !  Yet, over there in Saudi Arabia, the "PARTY's OVER" as early as five years ago.  They have clamped down on the unlimited entry of the foreign workforce via the SAUDIZATION Law they started way back five years ago.  Today, the big chunk of the foreign labor force is literally feeling the heat because these days, to secure a Saudi working visa, one has to go through the wringer no less.

Of course, if life was fair, the PARTY should NEVER BE OVER at all but that's not life.  That's fantasyland instead.  How many do we know [including us maybe] who indeed have splurged in the past during those days when the sun kept on shining ?  And never anticipating that when rain comes, you need an umbrella ?

if we were a Saudi Prince, indeed the PARTY can go on maybe for another decade with no threat of the wells drying up so soon.  But we're just another Tom, Dick and Harry, right ?  So, how do we fix things ?  Let us always have that 'WHAT IF" assumption in life.  God forbid, WHAT IF something serious happens and my life takes a turn from good to bad ?  WHAT IF force majeure strikes me down ?  WHAT IF I receive the pink slip because my company is [finally] feeling the financial impact of this long-drawn pandemic ?  WHAT IF my sales pipeline dries up ?  Will my life skid from there ?

if there is a role model that should remain a fiction at that, it's Sponge Bob because in real life, it can't be FINE and DANDY for a long long stretch.  If you're going through a stretch in life when $$$$$ is overflowing like an oil well, PLZ PLZ PLZ put a cap on the nozzle even it means that we're spoiling your party.  Why is of more paramount importance anyway ?  Is it your PARTY now ?  Or is it your TOMORROW, your FUTURE ?  Can  you just pull the breaks and ground the car to a halt so you can prepare for your FUTURE ✅✅✅

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