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Showing posts with label Surviving Sensitivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surviving Sensitivity. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

Surviving Sensitivity

Surviving Sensitivity

Who says we DON'T need to talk about Surviving Sensitivity because in the first place, we're not that sensitive, really?  Tell that to the marines.  Sorry folks, unless we're talking of someone under general anesthesia [and excluding medical conditions like being in comatose], NO ONE can ever deny that he/she remains sensitive in various ways because that's how we live life anyway⚓⚓⚓
Factor in emotions and you'll have an entirely new ballgame.  Criticism can be especially hard for highly sensitive people because we tend to try so hard and we care so much.  Eventually, it does normalize our experience to know we're NOT alone in how we experience things.  And while I myself would admit that I have developed some self-tools to handle criticism, I can still be impacted at times.  And that's when I feel the stingπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™
Oh, factor-in REJECTION and you'll have a new ballgame.  But it's important to realize that criticisms are opinions, very much unique from person to person.  Even in terms of acceptance, one can be rejected by someone but wholly and unconditionally accepted by another one.  Obviously, things can get subjective but that's another thread for another day for us to tackleπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
So, there's nothing wrong at all to be a HSP [highly sensitive person] because a 20% plurality of us are indeed HSP's.  Like most personality traits, being highly sensitive is a gift but it comes along with challenges as well.  Due to the lack of understanding around being sensitive, many HSP's can feel that there is something wrong with them feeling the way they do.  However, there are also many HSP's who thrive in the bustling world we live in today.
But the most common advice we hear from clinical psychologists is that we should get rid of preconceptions.  As an HSP, it is important you understand what being highly sensitive means and even more importantly, what it means to you,  Regretfully, many HSP's are mis-labelled as shy or introverts.  Yet, studies show that 30% of HSP's are actually extroverts.  And I personally know an introvert who lives his life like an extrovert because he's an introvert.  Just another smart way of surviving sensitivity✅✅✅

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