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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Honor and Integrity


Good Sunday Morning. Oh, this won't be a techie piece because i'm not a mouthpiece of the technology market players. Nor am I making a sales pitch for the upcoming products that MIGHT creep into our market [especially when laptops and what not are selling like pancakes in the midst of this pandemic].

Promise we are not also a lobbyist, lobbying the laptop manufacturers to overhaul the keyboard buttons to make it much more relevant to what's going on anyway right at our very nosy noses.

No dilly-dallying. This is just pitching for the Siamese twin traits of HONOR + INTEGRITY. These two intrinsic values are just inseparable because of that umbilical cord that binds them through and through. Take out either one of them, the other value crumbles instantly. Reinforce your honor, your integrity gets boosted.

As recent as last week, the very popular Seoul City Mayor, Park Won-soon [R.I.P.] immediately committed suicide within the same day just on the basis of a 'leak' that a complaint was filed on the basis of a sexual harassment allegation.

How laudable is the unsullied integrity of the South Korean authorities. From the time the complaint was filed at 430pm, the complainant went through grilling interviews by the authorities until the wee hours [2:30am to be precise] of the next morning. That's another manifestation of concrete integrity.

Heard about Bushido, the Code of Conduct of Japan's warrior classes way back the 8th Century and which continues to be embedded deep within the Japanese Culture till this very day? HONOR and INTEGRITY are at its very core, non-negotiable at that.

Let us not look far. Months ago, Mahathir Mohammad, the world's only nonagenarian state leader, resigned as Malaysia's Prime Minister when his party mate betrayed not just him but the very values of their coalition of parties, that is, not to condone kleptocracy and corruption. When his party mate, now Malaysia's PM Muhyiddin Yassin, succumbed to that power greed by coalescing the disgraced party of the severely battered Ex-PM Najib Razak, Dr M [as he is fondly revered] went over to the Agong [King of Malaysia] and tendered his irrevocable resignation as prime minister. Such is the HONOR & INTEGRITY that permeates the highest order of the Malaysian Culture.

John Di Lemme says it all: "HONOR and INTEGRITY ARE TRAITS THAT SHOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE WHEN NO ONE ELSE IS AROUND". The sad part is that in some other countries, when no one else is looking, that's the time to amass his personal coffers with hundreds [NOT tens] of millions pilfered from the government coffers, all for his personal aggrandizement.

To cap it all, John MacDonald says a mouthful: " INTEGRITY is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will.


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