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Showing posts with label Fight OR Flight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fight OR Flight. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Fight OR Flight?

Fight OR Flight?

I am NOT in the medical or science fields BUT that does NOT excuse me from digesting the ramifications of STRESS to our health.  Experts tell us then WHEN under STRESS, our body releases hormones that can cause blood glucose levels to increase.  This may cause adverse symptoms to people with diabetes.  Experts tell us that WHEN you're experiencing STRESS, our body reacts.  And that is called the Fight OR Flight RESPONSE which to us laymen is hitherto unknown.  Quite frightening to learn that our body reacts in ways that is beyond our visuals BUT the ramifications run deep beneath๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Apparently, during this response, our body releases adrenaline and cortisol into our bloodstream and our respiratory rate increases.  This can increase blood glucose levels if the body CAN'T adequately process it.  Worst of all worst things, with constant STRESS from long-term problems with blood glucose, medical experts tell us that it can wear us down mentally and physically.  And if one is suffering from diabetes, things will never be less difficult๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

Apparently there are different types of STRESS that can worsen one's medical situation if he/she is confirmed to be diabetic.  And I CAN'T agree less when they say that STRESS can affect people differently.  And the type of STRESS that one experiences can have an impact on our body's physical response. And things just worsen when it comes to diabetics❎❎❎

From a layman's perspective, the perplexing question is, is living a life without STRESS a pipe dream.  NO sirrrrrrs, setting aside all the medical arguments, while natural calamities and disasters are NOT man-made, most of the STRESSORS are human-made๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Our takeaway:  WHETHER you're ALL IN for a fight OR you'll take flight, we always hear that running away from a 'FIGHT' or a STRESS can be a bad idea because it can make the situation more dangerous.  They say running away can trigger the aggressor's predator drive, WHICH is our natural instinct to chase after escaping prey.  Having said that, psychologists claim that it's okay to walk away from a fight if it's WHAT you need for your welfare and safety BUT it takes eXtra strength, eXtra self-control and eXtra smarts.  At the end of the day, WHETHER you will go for a FIGHT or take FLIGHT, it behooves that you will arrive at an informed decision❗❗❗

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