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Showing posts with label That Road To Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label That Road To Recovery. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2023

That STEEP Road To Recovery

That STEEP Road To Recovery

Anyone there who can mentor us to avoid FAILURES?  No way, Jose.  The roads we're travelling are peppered with trenches and foxholes a.k.a. PITFALLS.  Sooner or later, everyone FAILS at something.  But does everyone really learn from their FAILURES?  Sadly, so many studies have shown that most people struggled to grow from mistakes and defeats.  Psychologists proved that most of us 'UNDERLEARN' from each FAILURE in our respective lives.  Talking about That STEEP Road To Recovery๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Effectively, experts are telling us that WE tend to avoid the LESSONS in FAILURE.  Reality however is that FAILURE indeed bruises our ego. that metaphorical seat of our SELF-ESTEEM and importance.  When we FAIL, we feel threatened and that sense of threat can trigger a 'FIGHT or FLIGHT' response 'FIGHT' in the context of FAILURE looks like a wholesale dismissal of our value of the task or criticism⏳⏳⏳

Whereas, 'FLIGHT' might be the more common response to FAILURE.  When we flee FAILURE, we disengage our attention from the task that threatens our sense of ourselves as effective people.  The challenge we have at hand is removing that EGO from FAILURE as much as possible by looking at other people's failures first before you take on a task yourself.  In simpler terms, if you want to learn how to SKI or SWIM, it makes to sense to watch videos of people making mistakes before you hit the slopes or dip into the waters๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

If negative emotions are getting in the way of your understanding, experts recommend SELF-DISTANCING TECHNIQUES.  This involves thinking of your personal experience from the outside perspective of a neutral third party. Like WHY DID HE FAIL instead of WHY DID I FAIL?  Research shows that when people adopt a SELF-DISTANCED perspective while discussing a difficult event in life, they make better sense of their reactions and end up experiencing less emotional distress and display fewer psychological signs of stress.  In the long-term, they also experience reduced reactivity when remembering the same problematic event๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Ooooooops, experts encourage us to SHARE OUR OWN FAILURE STORY.  But human nature dictates that we hide our own FAILURES [out of a sense of shame] but there are ways to turn FAILURE into SUCCESS by transforming it into a story of growth.  Topping our bucket list is to RECOGNIZE our SUCCESSES.  There are many ways to shore up our own ego. Now what comes next?  THINK BEYOND FAILURE.  Beyond that emotional challenge to our ego, FAILURE also presents a cognitive challenge, meaning that information from FAILURE can be harder to process than successful experiences.  Indeed, THAT STEEP ROAD TO RECOVERY may seem so far and unachievable.  But we got to roll with the punches, dude❗❗❗

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