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Showing posts with label Is Your Cup Full Or Overflowing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Is Your Cup Full Or Overflowing. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Is Your Cup Full Or Overflowing?

Is Your Cup Full Or Overflowing?

During trying times, you may feel that your positive energies are dwindling, sometimes your cup may seem more empty than full.  When your cup feels diminished, HOW do you refill it?  If one of your goals is to take some time for yourself, HOW can you carve out some minutes each day that are just for you?  WHAT can you say NO to, so that you can YES to you?  To reclaim time and space for yourself, we need to find out if Your Cup is Full Or Overflowing???

Now, the purpose and use of CUPS can be discussed in many contexts.  And one of my favorite iterations of the word CUP is the metaphor 'IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY'.  True, it seems a complicated question because the answer changes depending on WHAT is occurring in your life.  BUT either way, the glass needs to be filled to some degree in order for the question to exist.  Same goes for humans.  Something needs to be in our CUPS in order to thrive.  So, WHAT does that mean, exactly???

That metaphor of filling our CUP typically refers to the idea that a CUP and WHAT is inside function as a meter of WHETHER or NOT our personal needs are fulfilled.  When our CUPs are filled, it shows that we are in a healthy state to provide for others' needs are fulfilled.  And the less we have in our CUPs, the less capable we are of helping others.  This is something where psychologists coined the jargon 'GIVERS'  as in Psychology, the three reciprocity styles are termed as either GIVERS, TAKERS or MATCHERS❗❗❗

While GIVERS are characterized by their prosocial traits, such as selflessness, they're those people in your life whose natural impulse OR tendency is to take on others' problems typically before their own.  This separates them from TAKERS and MATCHERS.  Psychologists, however, highlight that GIVERS can take on that unhealthy traits of TAKERS when their own CUPS are empty.  Researches further showed that unhealthy GIVING can be associated with negative outcomes such as feeling overwhelmed by others' problems or feeling frustrated❌❌❌

Our takeaway:  If I was asked many years ago, I would be guilty to admit that I used to thrive on BEING BUSY [oooops, it's admitting that I seem to have NO boundaries] BUT now I admit that I fully know that in order to thrive, you [and that includes moi] must rest first.  So, to the GIVERS out there, while you are appreciated and your role is valued, we need to revisit our intentions so that, regardless in the future WHETHER your CUP is half-full OR half-empty, we can honestly admit ours is full because regardless, we're here ready to help💥💥💥

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