Life is NOT a 'SPRINT'
There's this widespread fallacy that to be quickest and the fastest is the way to go in our lives. Unfortunately that is NOT the truism that prevails in real life. We need to clear up the air of all the fallacies. THAT life is not a 100-meter sprint. THAT life is not a one-chapter storybook. THAT life is not a replica of those flashes in the pan. THAT there is no shortcuts in life except if you are looking for those dreaded shortcuts towards doom, towards failure, towards frustrations, towards one-way roads where you're headed towards that dead-end.On the other hand, there are numerous
sectors in our society who do accept the fact that life is a marathon but the
problem is, quite a number of us are still [stupidly] locked-in towards
sprinting the marathon, [wrongly] thinking that the earliest bird catches the
worm, that the best sprinter wins them all. What's being overlooked is
that in our marathon, the road ahead is not paved and smooth. It's a
'rough and tumble' game of potholes, of landslides. of deep ravines and cliffs
by the side, of rickety bridges we need to cross. You can win the top
plum in your sprint today but that's only a chapter of a lifelong saga you need
to endure.
Alas, we can't be totally faulted. Why? Because we are just damn motivated. We wanted instant success, instant gratification, those overnight success stories. But hey, that's more fiction than anything else. You got to invest pain, tears and even frustrations before you reach that precipice of success.
So, where's the trick. Nada, nil, nothing unfortunately. You gotta earn your spurs, gotta remain focused and committed, be consistently glued to your goals and never get distracted but the multifarious disruptions now happening in our lives. Note that you don't have foes and enemies in your marathon except yourself. Everything is within you, dude.✅✅✅