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Showing posts with label SINCERICIDE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SINCERICIDE. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024



SINCERICIDE.  Yes Yes Yes. My reservoir of vocabulary increased by one today after stumbling across SINCERIDE which briefly, it's meaning is somewhere between AUTHENTICITY and SINCERITY.  Which is a tough call because personally, in real life, NOT everything you see or witness is AUTHENTHIC.  Neither are all people SINCERE.  This is NOT to bad-mouth but this is the stark TRUTH.  And the TRUTH is that there is a difference between telling the TRUTH and committing a SINCERICIDE.  Unfortunately in life, we DON'T always have this subtlety so WHEN we use the sword of TRUTH, we may possibly cause 'damage' [think about the offense of hurting someone [even if it was an unconscious one and NOT meant in bad faith]]📗📙📘

Honestly though, it is likely that everyone of us [and it includes moi] acted as SINCERICIDES on some occasions in the past [if NOT till now].  However, if saying the TRUTH so brazenly, hurting others, becomes our 'NORMAL' behavior, it would be good wondering WHY we have become that sort of 'KAMIKAZE OF TRUTH'.  And experts opine that on many occasions, this sort of suicidal attachment to TRUTH is the expression of something much deeper, WHICH may be the desire to 'punish' the other or even themselves💥💥💥

Psychologist further opine that SINCERICIDE is usually a person WHO believes he is being treated unfairly, OR feels he is NOT sufficiently valued OR being trampled.  And in these cases, it uses TRUTH as a 'legitimate' weapon to attack the world, which deeply disillusioned him.  Further studies show that there are those WHO might be called as 'BORN SINCERICIDES', those WHO think they are the only ones to be right and that their attachment to TRUTH allows them to pass on any type of social subtlety💦💦💦

And furthermore, these SINCERICIDES feel that the fact that it is a TRUTH that seems 'brighting like the sub' is a sufficient reason NOT to make unnecessary rides.  After all, these people are convinces that they are the only ones to be honest and that everyone else is lying, even just to 'adorn' the TRUTH and subtract part of its impact.  The disconnect here is that SINCERICIDES [wrongly] believe that they think that 'BEING HONEST' is equivalent to 'BEING GOOD', which is NOT❌❌❌

Our takeaway:  Let us NOT be one of those SINCERICIDES that being 'DIRECT', saying things as they are and not joking is an expression of consistency but actually seeing the damage they cause with their SINCERITY, their actions reveal a destructive intent, WHICH means they have a double moral since they do NOT act in accordance with WHAT they say to be.  The fact that a TRUTH is good for us does NOT mean that is good for the others as well, NO sirrrrrrrrs❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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