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Showing posts with label NOT a Weed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NOT a Weed. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Be a Flower, NOT a Weed

Be a Flower, NOT a Weed

Being partial or bias to flowers rather than weeds does not make us effeminate, right ?  So, there should be nothing loathsome if we all say in unison that we'd rather Be a Flower, NOT a Weed.  But of all things, why do we want to dump off the weed ?  Simple.  This is like comparing day and night, the sun and the moon.  There's just no room to debate that this is NOT all about gender but instead, just calling a spade a spade.  And we can epitomize the flower, then why settle to become a weed at all ?  In our global village, living life is pretty simple.  It's either you are on the right side or the not so right side.  Either you are on track or you're off track.  Either you'll end up a success or failure.

On the other hand, if we look at things scientifically, they even say that a WEED IS JUST A FLOWER GROWING in the WRONG PLACE.  So, would you rather be tagged as a flower growing in the wrong place because that means you're one of those weeds ?

C'mon, not to put down the weeds out there but here's another non-debatable take, that is, WHERE FLOWERS BLOOM, SO DOES HOPE.  So, that's a second argument for or against weeds versus flowers.  Would you still cling to be a weed if this poster screams that indeed there is HOPE where FLOWERS BLOOM ?  Let's swing back to our lives.  What keeps our life alive ?  What keeps our belly burning ?  What keeps our adrenalin up at an ante ?  What keeps us digging for the long haul ?  It's all about HOPE, the HOPE that we're on the right track, the HOPE that we will make it at the end of our journey, maybe bruised and scathed but another success story securing the success we have all dreamt of for the longest time.

This is all that will keep us going, digging for the long haul, regardless if we have stumbled numerous times.  In life, I can attest [on a first person basis] to witnessing people who not only buckled down but really gradually dissipated, evaporate and simply went pfffffft in thin air simply because they lost that remaining hope which they need to cling to, if only to keep them going, if only to keep them motivated every step of the way.

So, do we agree that generally, weeds do grow BUT they grow in DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS ?  Whereas most flowers we see, even before they bloom, we all effortlessly become aware of its eventual trajectory.  So, WILL YOU BE A WEED with a trajectory that will remain utterly unpredictable ?  Or will you be the epitome of a flower which offers much hope EVEN BEFORE IT BLOOMS ?  Think about the parallelisms of flowers and weeds versus our life.  There's just so much for us to continue learning and realizing what lies ahead in our life if we continue to be nursing so much HOPE❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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