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Showing posts with label Celebrate Your SUMMITS [Then Seek New Ones]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrate Your SUMMITS [Then Seek New Ones]. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

Celebrate Your SUMMITS [Then Seek New Ones]

Celebrate Your SUMMITS [Then Seek New Ones]

Yes, GO GO GO, let us celebrate your SUMMITS but then again, you gotta Seek New Ones].  Hold on, let's step back.  Let's align to agree as what SUMMITS are.  These are the peaks and pinnacle when we achieve the major success milestones in our journey.  Let me qualify, though, that SUMMITS do not refer to one-off small-small successes.  Instead, the SUMMITS we look for are the GAME-CHANGERS in our life journey.

Don't get me wrong though.  SMALL WINS MATTER.  BUT, we need to put this in the correct context simply because there are myriad of SMALL WINS but it behooves that we SEPARATE the CRUMBS from BREAD.  Having said this, a common human mistake is to lump all SMALL WINS even with the BIG WINS, and that's when the picture gets grossly distorted.

Why do we celebrate only after those BIG WINS ?  Reasons aplenty.  BIG WINS are those milestone achievements.  BIG WINS are embedded within the roadmap.  BIG WINS become proof that such success did come into fruition.  BIG WINS reflect back on the amount of effort and energy you exerted to achieve such success.  Many of us end up too mixed up even as we become too blurred ad unable to SEPARATE the CRUMBS from BREAD.  How many kampai's have we witnessed because the person is bound to his next milestone, only to fall flat along the way ?
So, what justifies us to celebrate our successes then ?  Developing one's SUCCESS MINDSET is needed because a large part of our success is about our state of mind so it is about having that SUCCESS MINDSET.  More than that, MOTIVATION is also closely inter-twined to our mindset because we are motivated by our successes.
FEELING GOOD should not be left out.  One of the best reasons to celebrate success is simply that it FEELS GOODFEELING GOOD is what it's what it's all about.  We're driven to make changes in our lives because we want to feel better, be happier and FEEL GOOD.  And don't forget HAPPY CHEMICALS. because there's a reason why it FEELS GOOD when we CELEBRATE SUCCESS and it's to do with that chemicals in our brain.  And lastly, SHARE YOUR SUCCCESS.  Savor it together with whoever should be credited, be it your partner, your family, your mentor ❗❗❗

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