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Showing posts with label NEVER Sprint A Marathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEVER Sprint A Marathon. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2024

NEVER Sprint A Marathon

NEVER Sprint A Marathon

Up front, I have to apologize because to say "NEVER Sprint A Marathon" is to borrow one of the most-quoted one-liners.  Drake sings it, Dr Phil claims to have invented it, and in almost every company event, it gets preached.  Oh yes, you could have said it before [I did it few times] OR someone has used it on you.  Having said that, please allow me to say it again:  NEVER Sprint A Marathon📗📙📘

Yes I'm guilty of seemingly over-using this one-liner through the years and from a surface-level understanding, the sprint and marathon distances do vary in length and obviously, the marathon significantly takes more time than a sprint.  And that's exactly what life is all about.  As much as marathons are really damn hard, our 'marathon in life' is a mental rollercoaster that echoes HOW I felt WHEN I was about to start a daunting [sometimes a high-profile] project💦💦💦

With life being a marathon, this poster is 'spot on'. SPEED is NOT even a top criterion because what is expected from us is endurance, NOT speed.  Once you are into that marathon in life, you can sometimes feel unstoppable for miles and miles, and then, out of the blue, your legs could just get stalled and stop.  And at some points, you could be cruising and there will be moments in life WHEN you wanted to pull yourself out of that marathon. WHEN you do complete a particular marathon, you would realize that you did cross the FINISH LINE but at the back of your mind, you're evaluating WHAT you could have done differently.  And that's WHEN a post-mortem is a must-do✅✅✅

BUT even after you have successfully completed one particular 'marathon in life', you would learn quickly that the actual race was only a very small part of the entire process.  A must-do before we embark in any 'marathon in life' is crafting a PLAN.  Thing is, a PLAN ISN'T always the answer for everything in life BUT having a roadmap and setting stretch goals always helped me in the past to gain clarity when mapping things out😀😀😀

Our takeaway:  Throughout your 'marathon journey', you would be gasping for air, energy and sometimes you would stumble and that's fine BUT learning HOW to get out of these LOWs in everyday life is critical.  BUT here's a glimmer of hope.  Those LOW periods WON'T last forever.  Recovery is just important and more importantly lest we forget, the 'marathons in life' are NEVER easy, NOT a walk in the park either💥💥💥

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