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Showing posts with label The Agony of a Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Agony of a Fall. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Agony of a Fall

The Agony of a Fall

I'm absolutely sure everyone of us went into a fall or just like me, that FALL may have happened quite a few times in your life.  And boy, do we all agree with the agony of a fall?  When the impact is too much, it seems to crush us down to our bones?  And more than that, many spirited efforts were simply quashed by the magnitude of a fall's impact.  In school, receiving a failing grade.  At work, your performance being rated BELOW PAR.  In your relationship, when you partner walks away.  In business, when your credit pipeline seemed to have dried up, driving you to bankruptcy.

Or it could have been a freak accident when you were fixing a leaking roof and you ended up falling off from the roof.  Ouch that hurts.  But according to studies, while around approximately 20% of our falls in life are force majeure or simply beyond our control [God forbid, those natural calamities and disasters are terrifying no end.  But for 80% of those falls in life, yes there was no way to avert it but 80% of them could have been anticipated.

To your surprise, softening the impact of a potential fall or failure is NO rocket science.  How?  Why?  It all boils down to your safe and sound assessment of your chances to either succeed or fail on something you are so focused to achieve. ANTICIPATION & ASSESSMENT is the key.  Where it tells you that optimistically, you have a 60% chance of succeeding [and a 40% chance of failing], then that should have prepared your mindset of possible scenarios that could happen.

 If your ANTICIPATION & ASSESSMENT tells you of a chance bordering 50-60%, why be so cocky ?  That's the thing.  Cockiness is OPTIMISM GOING OVERBOARD.  We all encourage for optimism but not for shaky or baseless optimisms.  If towards year-end, you know very well that your work performance for the past year has been spotty at best, what will be your mindset?  

If your relationship with your partner/spouse has been rocky to say the least for the past years, will you be shocked when one day your partner/spouse walks away? In brief, the agony of our [various] falls in life could have been, at the very least, softened if not averted.  ANTICIPATION is the key because that shapes our mindset.  It resets the previous unfounded optimism with the pragmatic realities, however harsh, in lifeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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