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Showing posts with label DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2023

DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW

DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW

Famous American soccer player Heather O'Reilly said: 'DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW'.  It may sound a humdrum, another dull and boring quote but please join me to dissect what she says for us to have an insightful appreciation of it.  First and foremost, she's just stated one of the most obvious truths that in life, there are HIGHs and LOWs and that hypothetically, things go TOO HIGH [that's when we are at the zenith of our successes] or TOO LOW [when we get badly battered with those really hard falls which sometimes may prove fatal]. So, should we claim that those TOO HIGHs or TOO LOWs are 'force majeure'?  Not so fast, dude.  That just doesn't add up.  Let's do an apples-to-apples comparison   While there will be outliers and exceptions, by and large, we always have strong influences that push our HIGHs way TOO HIGH and the LOWs get pushed way TOO LOWπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Let's patiently dissect this on a piecemeal basis.  First off, let's peg the HIGHs to our successes.  So, you might debate, what's the fuzz if the HIGHs get TOO HIGH?  Ok, let me share a move I made two decades back.  One time, I lured a very technical guy to join my team and I lured him with a salary offer that was 600% higher than his current payπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

To cap off my story, while my technical recruit did 'deliver the goods' at work, in his personal life, unfortunately, things just went on a downturn.  In the shortest words, his success in his career DIDN'T translate to an appropriate uptick in his personal life.  It's indeed a puzzle why things turn up [downward] that way but to go back to Heather O'Reilly, DON'T let those HIGHs get TOO HIGH because you might be unable to catch up and cope with stratospheric changes in life.  Swinging over to our LOWs, the caution is DON'T let things go down TOO LOW because it will be damn difficult to recover from such TOO LOWs⏳⏳⏳

There's that clear and present danger when the LOWs get way TOO LOW.  But hold on, how can LOWs get TOO LOW.  There are zillion scenarios that can play out.  Let's look at couples who start off with OFF & ON arguments and quarrels and as it gets more frequent, the quarrels turn to screams and shouts and one day, things turn to physical till one day, they had to go separate waysπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, where do we go from here.  With those HIGHs, yes you deserve to celebrate it BUT don't let those 

kampai's go way too long.  DON'T get choke.  DON'T start to be complacent.  Pick up lessons from your success.  And after all the celebrations, decide if you're fine where you're now or do you want to move the goal post and aim higher?  Where you hit the LOWs,  fix it ASAPDON'T leave a single stone unturned so that such LOWs DON'T go TOO LOW because by then, probably only God knows if you can still recover at that pointπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

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