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Showing posts with label from good to great. Show all posts
Showing posts with label from good to great. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Should We Go From GOOD To GREAT?

Should We Go From GOOD To GREAT?

Oh Oh Oh, this should NEVER be debatable, right?  Should We Go From GOOD To GREAT?  Because the absolute answer is a big screaming YESSSSSS.  But hold on, let me play the devil's advocate at least for this thread.  While I would push and be egging everyone to GO FROM GOOD TO GREAT, this is something that is NOT a no-brainer.  Even in America, the bastion of democracy, while anyone can run for President of the United States, this is NOT a givenπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

In U.S. politics, there is a process both with the Republican and Democratic parties, wherein 'probables' and 'wannabes' go through the Presidential Primaries.  Unless you are a billionaire like Ross Perot who went on with his presidential foray way back 1992.  But hey, Ross Perot is a multi-billionaire.  Now let's get back both our feet on the ground.  What does it take for us to craft an informed decision that we'll GO FROM GOOD TO GREAT⏳⏳⏳

In our life, concerns about our adequacy can take different forms in each person.  A student feels special when he gets good grades.  A young lady may feel better when she's attractive.  Or an up and coming executive feels better when he can showcase his TALENT + POTENTIALS to go up the corporate ladder.  So, what's the commonality amongst all these?  It is our desire to do everything we can to prove to ourselves and others that we are GREAT.  But dude, things just DON'T work out superficially that way❗❗❗

Just like that ambitious gold fist who keeps jumping from the smallest to the biggest bowl ever, probably, since it successfully hurdled the first jump to the middle bowl, that fish became confident enough.  But be aware that it is actually our RELENTLESS trying to FEEL GOOD about ourselves that indeed causes much of our distress.  In a nutshell, a lot of the wounds we are LICKIN' are self-inflicted, no thanks to our cockiness❗❗❗

Take note.  When our GOALS are external enough, we may find ourselves falling short most of the time.  There are always people doing BETTER, so we can feel constantly judged.  And if we ever hit a GOAL we had set for ourselves, we often just raise the bar [all over again].  BTW, raising the bar is PERFECTLY FINE if your ambition to go FROM GOOD TO GREAT remains feasible and realistic✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

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