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Showing posts with label What You See Is What You Get. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What You See Is What You Get. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2023

What You See Is What You Get

 What You See Is What You Get

Borrowing this post from Quora by Ghost Girl:  An old lady was standing by the railing of a cruise ship holding her hat on tight so that it would not be blown off by the wind.  A gentleman approached her and said:  'Pardon me Madam, I don't intend to be forward but sis you know your dress is blowing up',  The old lay said: 'I l know that's why I need both my hands to hold on to this hat'.  The man said: 'But Madam, you're not wearing anything under your dress and your privates are exposed'.  The old woman blurted:  'Sir, anything you see down there us 85 eight years old whereas this hat, I just bought this yesterday.  Ouch, indeed  What You See Is What You GetπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

If at all, this is what is expected from us all.  BE WHAT YOU ARE [and DON'T project something you are NOT].  Express your GENUINE thoughts and feeling [and DON'T spew out anything which you are NOT].  What complicates things in life is when we are NOT that genuine and truthful enough.  And what is the complication?  The person[s] receiving your expression or act will, by default, think that such expression is genuine and truthful enough, so they might react or reciprocate, aligned to your expressions which are UNTRUE
Job interviews offer a good storyline.  Why is it many fail the job interviews?  A common HR feedback is that the interviewee DON'T seem to be genuine and truthful enough.  They would 'WINDOW-DRESS' their CV/Resume until it projects someone coming from the IVY LEAGUE [when he/she is much far away from that projection.  So, nothing beats being genuine and truthfulπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
When someone asks how we are, we assume that the person does NOT mean the question sincerely.  So, telling them that you are fine [even if you're NOT] is the usual answer.  In an ideal world, we would stop and truly listen and WON'T be afraid to be ourselves.  Instead, when we answer about how we are doing, our mask, the persona we show the world, tightens.  Sometimes, even more so than it might have been beforeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
No one can feel positive all the time and yet, that is what our culture teaches us to embrace and we have to UNLEARN that.  Telling others that you are "FINE" all the time is actually detrimental to your well-being because it stops you from being assertive, from being authentic and your TRUEST self.  We may never live a perfect life in a perfect world but wouldn't things be many times better if WHAT WE SEE IS WHAT WE GET [in a genuine way]✅✅✅

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