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Showing posts with label DON'T Mess Around With Your Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DON'T Mess Around With Your Health. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2023

DON'T Mess Around With Your Health

DON'T Mess Around With Your Health

DON'T Mess Around With Your Health.  I think, while this is not debatable, this may be the best time to discuss during this 2023 year-ender.  Because frankly, while HEALTH is the top-priority in First World countries, sadly that does NOT seem to be the case in Third World countries.  NOT because they DON'T want thoughπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

In the spirit of the upcoming New Year, please allow me to have a 'lighter blog' for today and I'm sharing this blog from Tom Ryugo [from Quora.com 12.23.23]:

Joe went to see his doctor one day because his elbow was hurting. The doctor asked him to provide a urine sample.

“Why should I provide a urine sample?”, asked Joe. “It’s my elbow.”

“I have a new laboratory analyzer that can diagnose any ailment with a urine sample”, answered the doctor. With that, he took the urine sample. Ten minutes later, the doctor returned and said “You’ve got tennis elbow. You need to rest it.”

Joe went home and got an idea. He got his wife to pee in a sample bottle. The his daughter peed in it. So did his son. Then he got the dog to pee in it. Then he put a few drops of motor oil from his car in it. Finally, Joe beat off and ejaculated in the bottle. The next day, Joe took the bottle back to the doctor and asked if his machine could diagnose what was wrong.

Half hour later, the doctor returned. “OK wise guy,” said the doctor. “Your wife has VD, your daughter is pregnant, your son is gay, your dog has mange, your car is going to blow a gasket, and if you don’t stop beating off, your tennis elbow won’t get better.”😁😁😁

Seriously, many years ago, I never took seriously those laboratory blood tests NOT until my doctor-friend alerted me that I better be serious.  Today, I'll be the first one to push everyone to be proactive in managing their health.  HOW?  Take regular Lab Tests as prescribed by your personal doctor.  NOT to discriminate doctors BUT you're guaranteed to be given an almost 100% focus if you're consulting the same doctor even for your proactive health monitoring [instead of consulting a new doctor each time you need to].  WHY not, right❓❓❓
HEALTH-related problems we're saddled across cultures and countries are just one too many.  Mental Health.  Obesity & Overweight.  Substance abuse.  Physical activity and nutrition.  Any of these problems by itself could just lead us to the problems at the surface.  Wait till your doctor advises you to take Lab Tests and hold a deep breath for the results because that should give you a clearer picture of the path you will be leading toπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I am NEVER and WON'T ever claim to be an expert when it comes to health and medical advice BUT multiple studies show that the TOP 2 major illnesses claiming hundreds of thousands [even running up to millions] are cardiovascular problems and diabetes itself.  This is NOT an alarm but more of a WAKE-UP call for us, hoping we take proactive steps this 2024❗❗❗

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