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Showing posts with label What Your Life Is Right Now DOES NOT MATTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Your Life Is Right Now DOES NOT MATTER. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What Your Life Is Right Now DOES NOT MATTER

What Your Life Is Right Now DOES NOT MATTER

Mr John could be a billionaire.  Ms Suzy can be a middle-level office employee.  Mr Billy Joe could be a teacher who's struggling to make both ends meet day-in day-out.  Ms Trixie could be a student who attends school in the evening so she can work in the daytime because she's financially self-supporting.  Mr Wong could be in and out of work through the years because of the economic instabilities in his country.  Mr Murayama could be a Japanese farmer in the far-flung areas of Okinawa.  Mr Kombawa could be languishing in an African jail because he got embroiled in past troubles which he admitted his guilt.  BUT hey, What Your Life Is Right Now DOES NOT MATTER.  It is HOW YOU FEEL YOUR LIFE which really matters.  DON'T even think as to how anyone else feels.  WHAT MATTERS is HOW YOU FEEL YOUR LIFE, without factoring all the external 'noise' all over the placeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Problem is, most of us approach life in an 'upside-down' manner [you could include me as one of those in the past].  We tend to care more about HOW our life looks on the outside to others than HOW IT FEELS on the inside to our very own selves.  WHY is that?  First off, people are akin to function as our very own 'CONFIRMATION DEVICES' as they tend to act as our MIRRORS and help us maintain the illusion of our separate individual selves.  WHEN other people praise OR validate us, our existence is affirmed.  WHEN other people reject us, our non-existence is affirmedπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

And since non-existence [which looks and smells like 'death' ouch] is WHAT we fear most, we then strive for others to VALIDATE us.  Indeed, this sounds confusing BUT this is WHAT's going on in many people even as we speak now.  A second culprit for this dilemma is looking back how we were all taught how a GOOD LIFE is supposed to look like and from the day we enter school, the indoctrination machine makes sure our lives develop that socially accepted 'LOOK'😁😁😁

Once we have graduated from our schooling and leave the school portals, we then firmly believe that we want a career, a house, a car, a family.  We then strive to become useful and respectable members of our community.  Oh, how convenient things can be, right?  BUT has it ever occurred to you that MAYBE all the things you think you care about you DON'T care about one bit at all???

Our takeaway:  Have you ever asked yourself if the life you're working so hard to achieve ISN'T just the 'pre-existing template' that you and everyone else get served by default?  It's true many of us would sacrifice our enjoyment of life in the attempt of trying to fill the that 'template' with exactly the 'RIGHT CONTENT'. And this is our problem because we tend to focus all our attention on the 'CONTENT' instead of the context.  By 'CONTENT', we're referring to the details of your life while by CONTEXT, it's HOW YOUR LIFE FEELS TO YOU.  So, WHAT YOUR LIFE IS RIGHT NOW DOES NOT MATTER at all dude❗❗❗

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