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Showing posts with label Can Your LIGHT SHINE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can Your LIGHT SHINE. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Who says only the children and scions of the rich and famous [and the descendants from the monarchy and royalty] are the ones who Can SHINE their LIGHT.  BUT how about the rest of us, the ordinary Tom, Dick and Harrys?  BUT let's NOT scream foul on this because everyone of us has a LIGHT that shines bright enough from within.  However, WHEN we look outwards through our five senses to search for peace, fulfillment, and happiness, we often forget about the LIGHT that has been inside us all along๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
There have been many studies by psychologists as regards that LIGHT which shines from within and they are one to tell us that for your LIGHT to SHINE BRIGHT, you must learn to see it with full clarity first.  Experts tell us that WHEN we were born, your INNER LIGHT is capable of witnessing the absolute reality without any layers of perceptions added in front of it.  There are NO pre-existing rigid beliefs to influence your perspective๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
To piggy-back on the jargon of psychologists, starting from the very first thing you can remember as a child to the moment you are reading your very first sentence, your mind is a sum of everything you have experienced, seen, felt, heard, smelled, touched OR been told by your parents and teachers.  Without even realizing, you start creating your ''individual identity' and start dimming the inner light by putting different layers on top it from a young age๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
WHAT then is the BIG ASK from us on this?  IF we can learn to consciously see these different layers that you have created yourself based on your subjective experiences, you can then start removing them one by one.  You will then realize that NOT everyone has gone through the same things as you have.  WHY?  Because every human experience is unique by itself.  NOTHING gets replicated there.  And beyond the subjective layers, we all share the same light within regardless of our age, race, gender, financial, OR even cultural backgrounds.  And the experts are telling us that once you see this subtle truth, you simply CAN'T unsee it.  And your inner light will shine with so much clarity that you will automatically inspire others.  Helping others and working for something bigger than yourself becomes much easier and natural once you see the light within✅✅✅
Our takeaway:  Long ago when there were iPhones and Android smartphones, even when FILTERING was totally unknown to us, we ourselves were the prime architects of FILTERING to such extent that many of us failed to realize, from the very beginning, that we were capable to SHINE.  All along, we were schooled [by the 'old school'] that those WHO are NOT part of the elite social class DON'T even have the right and entitlement to talk about the ability to SHINE.  For those socially deprived, we even ended up inferior, insecure and unsure of ourselves.  BUT hey dude, fast forward to today, those are NOT the RULES of the games.  We may find our capabilities to be a combination of being untapped and/or raw BUT the fact is, we got it buried under the bushel of oblivion.  We got to shovel it out and unearth it so that we can find the answer with finality that indeed, we have the LIGHT TO SHINE.  Let's tap our untapped capability dude๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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