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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Living in the Present


Living in the Present [but you need to wiggle out from the clutches of FAILURE]

Failure doesn’t happen in a snap. Neither does it hit you instantly. Nor does it strike you catching you up on the blind side. Because if it did and if it does, that failure is a fallacy.

So when does failure come knocking on your door till it knocks you down ? That’s the bitter part of things because after all the dust has settled in and you come to realize that you finally ‘hit the wall’, then that is the time not to sugar-coat things when undoubtedly, that foundering alongside your frustration equates to failure with finality.

BUT could have you averted failure ? Would you be able to nip things in the bud ? Would you have sighted that there was a light at the end of the tunnel only to realize that it was a train-wreck rushing up to nail you over ?

Absolutely you could have. But how ? Well, have you heard of comeback stories ? Have you witnessed those who, figuratively speaking, have ‘risen from the dead’ ? Stories where someone has been given up as a ‘lost cause’ or a lopsided game where only the final buzzer was needed to end the game.

How in the world have these comeback stories happen ? First and foremost, these are survivors who refused to accept the ‘death knell’, survivors who will never accept failure as the last nail in their coffin but you would chase me with, “HOW THE HELL CAN HE TURNAROUND ?”

You have to muster your strength, marshall everything left in your reservoir and if you have to ‘take the bull by its horn’, JUST DO IT because that’s your last card on the table and if that card is an ace, go for it, play it smartly and mitigating the risks, if any.

How can you stretch yourself on that last lap ? If you need to kick yourself for you to take that quantum leap, push your self-motivation to the limits, squeeze yourself high and dry and don’t fret it that will be the last drop that goes drip drip drip.

Lastly, ‘stay in the present’. Never look back at your past failures. Never heap the blame on yourself for all your faux pas in the past. On the other hand, don’t look far ahead beyond what you can see. If you do, likely you will forget the action you need to take NOW as you seem to see so far ahead. Worst, we will likely miss the steps we very NEXT STEPS we need to take NOW.

To quote the Dalai Lama, LIVE IN THE PRESENT. Trust me, you will survive the acid test in life. You may have been scathed but you will end up unbowed.

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