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Showing posts with label Opinions Will Continue To Hound You. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinions Will Continue To Hound You. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Opinions Will Continue To Hound You

Opinions Will Continue To Hound You

Lao Tzu, the respected Chinese Philosopher way back 571 B.C. was widely quoted "CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THEIR PRISONER".  And there's no need to dissect its message because it's right there on the surface. So, Opinions Will Continue To Hound You and NOT to be judgmental, take it either either positively OR otherwise.  BUT brace yourself that predominantly, the OPINIONS will be more slanted to their favor than yours.  And the gross unfairness here lays on the fact that those OPINIONS will remain such unfettered, uninhibited and unrestrained, which when all combined, will place you on a handicapπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

When someone gives an unsolicited OPINION on you OR about you, do you feel that kind of discomfort rising inside when that someone is imparting their unsolicited OPINIONNOT just any kind of wisdom but the one that makes you feel small and somewhat slighted?  Truth is, a covert little criticism implying that you might NOT be doing things rightπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Normally, our first reaction will be utter DISBELIEF, right?  Then DENIAL follows close to the heel.  Then, your ANGER takes over and you tend to shout from the top of your voice [sometimes STILL deep inside you].  Unfortunately, what seemed like shouting was just a thought.  That witty retort you wanted to scream at them?  And that never left your lipsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Oh, in the end, as an afterthought, you could be saying that you only disagreed with them in your mind.  And worst of all?  After you leave the scene and mull the incident repeatedly, you begin to think they might be right.  And that's a tragedy, OH OH.  So, what's our FIX for this?  Consider injecting SELF-TRUST.  In the past, I used to believe that other people's bad OPINIONS of me DIDN'T affect me at all, so I was shocked then to discover that they literally paralyzed me and stymied my progress.  And since other people DON'T LIVE YOUR LIFE, you can only live it for yourself❗❗❗

Next off, similar to the immunizations we had during the Covid Pandemic, get 'IMMUNIZED AGAINST OPINIONS'.  So HOW?  Unravel the ball.  Like a wool of yarn, the kind of reactions you learn and display to each situation you encounter get layered and imprinted in your mind over time.  Look beyond the obvious issues to get to the very root and core of it.  Thereafter, KNOW THYSELF.  Figure out what you're good at by confirming your real strengths.  Still NOT enough?  RESET YOUR REALITY.  Thoughts become disturbing when you take them too seriously.  These are your countermoves because Opinions Will Continue To Hound You✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

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