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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Not Everything is Apparent Until it Becomes Visible


Not Everything is Apparent Until it Becomes Visible

In life, conflicts or even petty squabbles arise when people see things from a different perspective, different spectrum. Unfortunately, we got so used to tossing coins when our complex lives are seemingly that simple akin to just flipping a coin that gives us either head or tail.

In real life, that doesn't seem to be given its complexity. And more often than not, things become apparent only when it becomes visible [or obvious]. To be relevant to this ongoing pandemic, let’s look around and within our families, with whom we’re literally together 24x7. Surely, you thought you knew your immediate family member like the palm of your hands. Not until things went out of hand did you realize that your seemingly poker-faced sibling was fuming with anger. Or it could be your spouse who seems hostaged at the kitchen early morning to prepare for breakfast and late morning again to prepare for lunch and late afternoon to prepare for dinner. And all the while you [wrongly] thought that you got a tireless SuperWoman wifey not until, in a moment, she suddenly blew up her head, probably because of fatigue factor.

Or we can move over to your work environment when your boss used to assign tasks for you every tick of the clock not until when gradually, things tapered off. From your perspective, you thought that was the best thing to happen because you are now ending up with some bandwidth to spare. Not until when he lowers the boom and hands you over the pink slip.

Lesson Learnt? It helps ‘to be in the trenches’ [and stay connected]. Ensure that both your feet are ‘firmly in the ground’. Don’t dream that you are ensconced up there in that ivory tower [because you’re not]. As long as you are always ‘connected’ and firmly ‘grounded’, you would hardly get flat-footed. There will be no surprises when, at any given time, you know the ‘real score'.

Even that vastness of the forest, how lush and lusty the greens look may not it is as it seems to be.

To quote John Green: ' Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are'.

And when frictions arise, take things in stride. “Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river”.

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