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Showing posts with label You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE

You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE

Heard this a zillion times.  Your BLUEPRINT FOR LIFE defines the kind of LIFE you are going to have.  It tells the kind of decisions you will take, KIND of friends you will make, KIND of success you will have, KIND of failures you will face, and HOW you will react to all of them.  In a nutshell, it becomes the very BASIC IDEA about your life.  And BTW, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.  LIFE does NOT spring up like the natural springs from mountains with water flowing and finding its way from the the time it flows from the waterfalls down to the streams.  This is YOU as YOU are IN-CHARGE of your BLUEPRINT IN LIFEπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Yes you can paste and post all those Post-it-Notes, plastered across all your walls 360 degrees BUT unless you have that BLUEPRINT IN LIFE, sadly, pitifully, you have NOWHERE TO GO dude.  Eventually, everyone comes to a FORK in the road eventually.  To the left lies the path that points to your dream such as that dream is a reality that could even exist.  Down the trail lies those unforeseen risks and dangers.  For some, it may just be some potholes and some overgrown brambleweed.  For others, a cliff face and torrential weather.  BTW, in life, there could be NO map, NO guarantee that the traveler will ever reach his/her destination, NOT AT ALL❎❎❎

BUT instead of scaring and threatening you, the truth is that there are PATHS anyone of us can walk.  On the right, the road is paved.  There are signs, landmarks and even rest stops [call it PIT STOP for F1 drivers].  That way lies a different horizon and be warned that perils persist BUT rest assured the trail you will thread will be clear enough.  BUT having said this, there is NO right answer.  Nobody can be told with absolute certainty WHICH way they should turn to.  Especially, as many find at a certain stage in LIFE then they're NOT alone.  Whenever  a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint that serves as the pattern and guide for the buildingπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
If I may suggest some of the things that should begin your LIFE's BLUEPRINT.  Numero uno should be your deep belief in YOUR own dignity, YOUR worth and YOUR own 'somebodiness'.  DON'T allow anybody to make you tell that you're a nobody.  ALWAYS feel that you count.  ALWAYS feel that you have that worth, and ALWAYS feel that your life has ultimate significance.  Segundo, in your LIFE'S BLUEPRINT, you must have as the basic principle that determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavorπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦
Eventually, you're you're going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold WHAT you will do in life, WHAT your life's work will be.  Set out to do it well enough.  Our takeaway:  Doors are opening to you, doors of OPPORTUNITIES that were NOT open to your parents before and the great challenge ahead facing you is to be ready to face these doors as they open.  Dude, YOU ARE IN-CHARGE OF YOUR BLUEPRINT IN LIFE😊😊😊

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