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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Thresholds in Life


Thresholds in Life

Not your choice. Not your liking. As you trudge every step in your life, you will hit those thresholds in life which can be aptly called crossroads as well. When you reach those crossroads, it could make or break you. You could shoot up like a star but you could crumble down to pieces the other way around. Most importantly, you need to know that you have reached the crossroads because that becomes a decision point in your journey. The worst thing is if you are oblivious that you are right there at the precipice of either right or wrong, success or failure, brightness or dimness, hero or villain.

As our life unfolds by chapters, take each next chapter as your next pit stop. Your life's journey is analogous to the formula car drivers like Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton. They didn't end up winning the race by being constantly tied up to the visions of the finish line. Instead, they always looked forward to the next pit stop, the next next one thereafter. Hurdling each pit stop draws you closer to the finish line.

When you feel you got one foot in and one foot out, that's it, you are at the threshold of your long journey and don't ever lose that momentum. GRAB it. GO for it. GO get it. But hold on, it won't be a 'walk in the park', this is no patsy's game. Indeed, to quote one quotable quote: 'One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.

Amir Khan, that famous British boxer, was having his meteoric rise until one day, he refused to answer the bell in the boxing ring and chose to sit it out in his corner stool. Instantly, he lost his luster as a world champion. Boxing promoters shunned him. Pound for Pound boxers ignored him. His boxing career took it's own life in a very unnatural death.

Even if you have all the arsenal in your life. Even if you thought you had the sound fundamentals to survive your journey but if you didn't have that faith in yourself for you to take that 'leap of faith', poor dude, you will flounder instead of flourishing. We don't want your long journey to end up in a sour note.

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