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Showing posts with label Stop Wasting Our LIfe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stop Wasting Our LIfe. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stop Wasting Our LIfe!

Stop Wasting Our LIfe!

No sirrrrrrs, I'm NOT here to pick up a fight.  Instead, I simply want to scratch the surface to subtly remind us all to Stop Wasting Our LIfe!  NOT to insinuate that we're wasting our life.  NOT to imply that you're hooked up with unhealthy hobbies bordering on addiction.  NOT to mean that you're engaging [a.k.a. WASTING] your time on some meaningless [a.k.a. USELESS] activities [because surely, most of us are mature enough to engage in meaningful day-to-day engagements📗📙📘

Thing is, deep down, we are all conscious and aware that we want our life to be meant for something more.  So, it's NOT surprising if sometimes you self-talk and ask yourself, 'IS THIS ALL THERE IS TO LOOK FORWARD TO IN MY LIFE?'  Of course, at the outset, it seems idle curiosity.  BUT over time, that innocent little thought starts nagging, starts making you doubt WHAT you're doing in life.  Just a little at first and then, slowly, your doubt gradually creeps and spreads out💦💦💦

Without raising alarms, like a disease, that tends to contaminate all over your thoughts and leads you to question them too.  Until no longer are you so sure about WHAT you're doing OR the choices you've made OR WHERE your life is heading to.  One moment, you thought you were doing OK in life.  And then the next moment, you seem to be desperately trying to shake this scary thought from your head, like:  WHAT IF MY WHOLE LIFE IS A WASTE?  NOT wasted in the sense like committing a crime and spending the rest of your life in prison, NOT that path💢💢💢

Instead, it is that somewhat insidious wasting of a life that takes place over years with many seemingly small, harmless habits and decisions [and sometimes, INDECISIONS!].  And surely, at some point, we will come to realize that that process of WASTING LIFE is so slow and it DOESN'T happen overnight BUT the long-term implications [call it ramifications] will be seriously impactful at some point down the road💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  TIME FLIES and it does FLY in a fleeting manner.  From my university days [when I was moonlighting in office work to be able to financially support myself] till I finally bagged my first 8am to 5pm job, I thought it was fine that I was "PUTTING TIME"  and simply waiting for something BETTER to come and happen.  BUT here's I'll whack myself.  If that's NOT WASTING life, I DON'T know WHAT it is.  So, could the same thing be happening to you?  Are you WASTING your life?  It's never too late dude for this WAKEUP CALL to let you rise from your deep slumber💥💥💥

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