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Showing posts with label You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL....

You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL....

Martin Luther King, the famous and respected American minister and activist was widely quoted: "IF YOU CAN'T FLY, THEN RUN.  IF YOU CAN'T RUN, THEN WALK.  IF YOU CAN'T WALK, THEN CRAWL BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD".  This brings us a full-circle back to life and frankly to our own health.  Whatever is your life journey, and even if you end up successful in your endeavors be it in the corporate world OR in your burgeoning entrepreneurial forays, we all share a common denominator and that's our HEALTH!!!  Frankly though, if we take a random survey across and inquire about each of the problems that beset us NOW, each of us could be holding on to a mile-long list of problems.  Imagine that hodge-podge list of problems ranging from family problems to financial problems to legal problems, and YES, even those "IN-LAW" problems, so on and so on.  BUT dude, You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL ONE DAY, knock on wood, you will get hit with a HEALTH PROBLEM and suddenly, YOU GOT ONE PROBLEM

This time, please allow me to quote American author and coach, Tony Robbins, WHO says:  A HEALTHY PERSON HAS A HUNDRED WISHES BUT A SICK PERSON HAS ONLY ONE. Whew!  This is an eye-opener, right?  HOW and WHY in the world, in our normal lives, we're so preoccupied with a thousand things [or probably a hundred stuff], cracking our head to find an answer for each one.  For that pitiful fellow languishing with an illness, VERY LIKELY, he's got only ONE SINGLE WISH, and it's about his health
Surely, there's NOTHING to argue OR debate that we are all aligned that our HEALTH is the 'primus inter pares', the first among equals, assuming you have tons and tons of priorities in life.  So, ISN'T it just fair and rational that we consider to endeavor simplifying our respective complex [and sometimes, ultra complex] situations BY just having our HEALTH at the top of the totem pole, and everything else sharing the bed crumbs of our attention?  While I have the lowest credibility to share medical advice, all studies and researches have consistently confirmed that our preoccupation with that mile-long list of problems INDIRECTLY [ IF NOT directly] either initiate, plant the seeds OR simply worsen a 'bad' situation, all because of this five-letter magic word spelled S-T-R-E-S-S???

And knock on wood, WHEN a health issue does hit us, only then we would realize that we should NOT be consumed with wealth, with properties, with intra-family squabbles, with workplace woes and NOT even financials [much as that is damn basic] because everything gets relegated at the background, all because of health issues.  Ironically, even medical experts opine that STRESS [which is exacerbated by our tons and tons of problems, again NO thanks to that long list of so called 'problems' that is consuming us mentally, emotionally and even psychologically.  At the end of the day, everything 'RESETS' once we get hit with a health issue

Our takeaway:  Let's spare a minute OR two and do a look-up of this 'mind map' I grabbed.  The messaging is plain and simple, cutting all the unnecessary crap.  THAT we got to endeavor to achieve that HAPPINESS [which sometimes can be elusive] regardless if we tend to be disturbed OR distracted with that slew of problems that can practically consume us and 'eat us alive'.  Heard of narratives WHERE someone dutifully saved and saved for the 'rainy days' and WHEN he was hospitalized for an illness, the hospital bills simply gobbled up all those savings in ONE BIG BANG.  And at that point, he went into a RESET, not thinking anymore of his previous preoccupation with worries and issues related to family, financial, work, legal and even community-related issues.  WHY?  By then, he realized that he's got only one single problem to grapple with, and that's his HEALTH.  Yes dude, YOU CAN HAVE A THOUSAND PROBLEMS UNTIL YOU GET HIT WITH A HEALTH PROBLEM!@#$%?

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