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Showing posts with label Spinning BAD News To GOOD News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spinning BAD News To GOOD News. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Spinning BAD News To GOOD News

Spinning BAD News To GOOD News

Spinning BAD News To GOOD News, anyone?  That is neither BAD nor WRONG.  Everyone can spin around and come up with his spiel but AS LONG AS we DON'T twist things.  AS LONG AS we DON'T concoct a version of a story different from the TRUTH.  And NOT even HALF-TRUTHS.  What we're trying to pin down here is to soften the impact brought about when BAD NEWS does hit us.  Worst thing is we get floored with BAD NEWSπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Reality is, WHEN lightning strikes, WHEN the rain pours down heavily, WHEN the floods would overflow, WHEN the lights go off, WHEN our financial coffers dry up, WHEN we get hit with health or medical issues, WHEN our current employer gives us the PINK SLIP [due to a down-sizing by the company], WHEN our cash flow goes in the RED for an extended periodπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Not to fool ourselves, a legitimate BAD NEWS is really BAD NEWS inside-out.  No need for sugar-coating there but we can soften things up.  Let me share a really BAD NEWS that happened to me in the past.  Decades back, I got involved in a major vehicular accident and since it came out that my car did hit the taxicab and the taxicab's passenger got injured, I agreed to take responsibility for the recovery of that injured passenger [and of course, my damaged car had to be repaired].  So WHAT was the GOOD NEWS I did spin for myself to digest?  I was THANKFUL that that accident happened at that time when I had TWO VERY ESSENTIAL THINGS:  #1 I had quite a ton of money at that time and #2 I had 100% free time because I just got retrenched.  Fact is, if you get into accidents, you need TWO things namely, $$$$$ and TIME.  And I had both.  If I didn't had either $$$$$ or 100% FREE TIME that time, I would have been in deep shit [apologies for this]πŸ’΄πŸ’΅πŸ’·

DON'T get me wrong.  I was NEVER thankful for the accident.  I DIDN'T welcome that accident to happen BUT truth is, accidents do happen.  You might be curious.  What was the aftermath of that accident?  Obviously I did heaved a heavy sigh of relief when that personal debacle was finally over.  It did teach me LESSONS but deep inside me, I felt I managed to soften the impact of that BAD NEWSπŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜

So, it should NOT surprise us when we hear some do take advantage of BAD NEWS.  Heard when there is a stock market crash?  Suddenly, the 'VULTURES' would FLY-IN and ready to prey and gobble up to buy those stocks whose value has plummeted.  That is another sampling of BAD NEWS turning to GOOD NEWS❗❗❗

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