Do The Things You LOVE
No sirrrrrrs, we DON'T need to be kittens to DO THE THINGS YOU LOVE [to do]. It's just a hard fact in life that we got a myriad choices and options to do [especially during non-work days]. But the bigger question to everyone is, do you subscribe to this mantra Do The Things You LOVE? If NOT, you must be threading scary waters. Now, what sets apart billionaires from us? Of course, they are crazy rich so our natural assumption would lead us to believe that $$$$$$ makes them happy? NO sirrrrrrrrrrrs❗❗❗Hmmmm, that may be [partly] true but $$$$$$ alone DOES NOT lead to SUSTAINABLE happiness if the other areas in your life are careening towards or actually becoming OUT of CONTROL. So, this early, what's our FIX? Studies tell us DO THE THINGS YOU LOVE, period. Billionaire Warren Buffet was quoted 'DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY ALL YOUR LIFE. I URGE YOU TO WORK IN JOBS THAT YOU LOVE. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU KEEP TAKING JOBS YOU DON'T LIKE BECAUSE YOU THINK IT WILL LOOK GOOD ON YOUR RESUME'❗❗❗Indeed, there are RISKS involved in chasing after that 'dream job'. You DON'T just wake up one day and quit your job and the financial security of a steady paycheck to start a business. BUT when you do discover the work or career that will spring you out of bed every morning, it will be totally worth it. Many times in my life I have seen SQUARE PEGS in ROUND HOLES, whew. Now, saying 'DO WHAT YOU LOVE' is easier said than done. Look for your PURPOSE. But you CAN'T have that PURPOSE without that PASSION, which comes from your DESIRE to make a difference✅✅✅
Allow me to 'zoom and sneak' into my private life. WHY do I really LOVE going to market [even 'wet markets']? WHY do I really LOVE going shopping [NOT just malling]? WHY do I keep blogging-blogging regardless if it comes right after I 'logout' from work OR deep into the night or even on a supposedly LAZY Sunday morning [like today]? Dude, it's a no-brainer. I LOVE, as in, LOVE doing all these. Ask my wife for an attestation📌📌📌
In a month's time, we [my wife and myself] are reaching our 16th year, a milestone countless naysayers were willing to bet [14-16 years ago] that ours will not last. In my career, I stayed for 12 years in my first job and in my current job, I'm now 12 years and counting. In conclusion, what helped me reach these milestones this long, both in my personal and professional life? WHEN YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO, it does not come out as an obligation to do but instead, it adds up as a contributor to make and keep you happy in life⏳⏳⏳