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Showing posts with label You Can't Squeeze Blood from Stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Can't Squeeze Blood from Stone. Show all posts

Saturday, November 20, 2021

You Can't Squeeze Blood from Stone

 You Can't Squeeze Blood from Stone

We've been in numerous points in our life when and where we wanted things to turn out more than what is/was realistic.  We yearned for outcomes that were way beyond feasible.  We wanted results that seem to go way beyond the roof.  We wanted finances that were beyond our reach.  We wanted the most ideal relationships which we didn't deserve, after all.  We wanted a burgeoning business even if the amount of effort we did put in at wor/in business was much less than what it can result in business.  In brief, we seemed to SQUEEZE BLOOD FROM STONE, a wish that is unthinkable if in the first place, everything was UNREALISTIC.
But hey, even Frankenstein can hardly SQUEEZE BLOOD FROM STONE.  So, what do we do next ?  FIX THE PROBLEM, NOT THE BLAME.  Replace blame with the benefits of the doubt.  Do you recall being blamed ?  Likely, right ?  What's the fix ?  Try mindful reflection.  Remember, most things we fret over in life are either an illusion or insignificant.  If you deem it important, then there are effective ways to communicate without bashing each other.
When there are gaps or issues in our relationships, one of the most common causes or triggers is P-R-I-D-E. While generally PRIDE connotes something on the positive, it's not always that way though.  It can also mean conceit, arrogance or that feeling of superiority.  This kind of pride is based on SELF-CENTEREDNESS and it's agreed this is destructive.  Selfish pride is especially destructive to relationships because the opposite of loving others is not hating them but instead being self-centered. 
The point here is that each person's pride is in competition with everyone else's pride.  It is because someone may wanted to be that 'noise' in a party.  Thing is, PRIDE is COMPETITIVE in nature.  Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.  We say that people are proud of being cleverer or richer or better looking than others.  Imagine this, if everyone else became equally rich, good looking or cleverer, there would be nothing to be proud about.  It is the COMPARISON that makes you proud, that pleasure of BEING ABOVE THE REST.
So how do we solve this riddle about PRIDE? #1-RECOGNIZE & ADMIT YOUR PRIDE.  You will never get to solve a problem that you either don't know or don't accept that exists.  #2-EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE.  There is something about saying 'THANK YOU' that makes our eyes off of ourselves and puts them back on the BLESSINGS we've received and the people who've blessed us.  #3-TRY PRACTISING SERVANTHOOD.  Serving others requires us to focus on their needs rather than our own and this reminds us of how we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  #5-Lastly, do LAUGH AT YOURSELF. There's this old saying "BLESSED ARE THEY THAT LAUGH AT THEMSELVES FOR THEY SHALL NEVER CEASE TO BE ENERTAINED'✅✅✅

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