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Showing posts with label Which One Should Prevail: THOUGHTS Or FEELINGS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Which One Should Prevail: THOUGHTS Or FEELINGS. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Which One Should Prevail: THOUGHTS Or FEELINGS?

Which One Should Prevail:  THOUGHTS Or FEELINGS?

Which One Should Prevail:  THOUGHTS Or FEELINGS?  Before we deep-dive into THOUGHTS and FEELINGS, let's align here.  It is HOW we see something OR someone and WHAT we think about it OR them that really influences HOW we feel.  It is our THOUGHTS and BELIEFS about an event that significantly influences our emotions and actions.  WHAT is quite perplexing here is to understand the co-relationship between THOUGHTS and FEELINGS.  WHAT really makes us feel and respond the way we do, is often NOT the situation OR the words and actions of another person BUT how we perceive that situation OR that person's actions.  It is HOW we see something OR thoughts and beliefs about an event that significantly influences our EMOTIONS and ACTIONSπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

It is often difficult to know exactly WHAT we are feeling and sometimes it can also be difficult to put it into words.  Now, things will get trickier WHEN we consider those 'AUTOMATIC THOUGHTS'.  Just as we are NOT always conscious of the way we walk OR how we drive a car, we are often NOT aware of our THINKING.  Some of our THINKING becomes so habitual in the sense that it seems to become AUTOMATIC, and just like driving, WHEN things are AUTOMATIC, we might NOT be conscious of them✅✅✅
Sometimes, our THOUGHTS become much more complex because at times we will have CONFLICTING THOUGHTS and that exactly is the kind of internal battle within us.  Internal conflicts or CONFLICTING THOUGHTS are often the result of frustration towards something.  Because you CANNOT choose WHAT to do and WHAT NOT to do, we often end up having two options on that thingπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Thing is, there are multiple situations in our lives WHEN we particularly feel torn apart within ourselves.  We then feel confused, unconfident, upset over HOW our brain and heart have been at war at each other.  It then becomes quite too overwhelming to be the TERRITORY over which these 'TWO RULERS' fight.  Sometimes our HEART wins, and sometimes our BRAIN prevails✅✅✅
And when we have conflicting THOUGHTS, sometimes the situation tears us apart more.  This explains WHY it is imperative to know about these internal conflicts and to recognize them so that you can make the right choices and make it out of this 'horrendous storm'.  Quickly, the common causes of CONFLICTING THOUGHTS are DISSATISFACTION, LACK of TOLERANCE, LOW SELF-ESTEEM.  Listen dude.  A lot of times we find ourselves amidst a tough competition between various parts of ourselves.  We got to make the JUDGMENT CALL, dude❗❗❗

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