Focus On Yourself, PERIOD
WHEN was the last time you stopped to consider your needs without also taking into account WHAT someone else needs. So, WHAT does Focus On Yourself mean? Focusing on yourself means prioritizing your OWN needs and desires rather than those of other people. That DOESN'T mean you're actively working against others. It simply means you AREN'T depleting yourself to make them happy. I recall hearing someone share his insights WHEREIN he said it's helpful to think of your life as a garden with each flower representing a component of your well-being, comparing it to the Daffodils as representing work demands, roses as your romantic relationship, daisies as friendships📗📘📙
So, this brings us back one full circle. WHY is it important to focus on yourself? If your life is a garden, focusing on yourself is about refilling your watering can, so you can continue to care for each aspect of your life. Even like making time for your hobbies and big goals can help boost our self-esteem. And that improved self-worth can likely overflow into your work and even your relationships. And to borrow an opinion by psychologists, "YOU'LL HAVE POSITIVE ENERGY WHEN YOU'RE AROUND OTHERS". As an analogy, taking time for yourself can also help you identify the flowers that demand too much water❎❎❎
As an example, you might end a toxic relationship to better focus on your career OR you might change jobs to have more time with your family. This may feel like being selfish at first. BUT actually, stepping back is an opportunity to improve yourself and refocus on WHAT you want in your life. BUT let's face it, finding the 'right balance' is damn difficult. With multifarious competing priorities in our life, our tendency to try doing everything all in one go can be and assuredly draining. So, WHERE do we go from here???
Heeding the advice of experts, let us recognize that "NO" by itself is a complete sentence. In some cases, it may be helpful to provide a reason for setting boundaries in life. LIKE WHEN you need 'space' from your best friend OR significant other, a conversation may help protect the relationship. BUT in most instances, though, a conversation may help protect the relationship. BUT in most instances, you DON'T have to justify yourself. IF you DON'T want to attend a party, a simple curt advice LIKE "I CAN'T MAKE IT BUT THANKS FOR INVITING ME" will be acceptable, right???
Our takeaway: At the end of the day, we need to let people feel HOW they will feel. If someone is hurt because you're spending time on yourself, WHY DON'T we allow them to process their feelings as well as they have the right to their emotions just as you have the right to your space. Yesirrrrrs, eventually people will get used to your newly delineated 'boundary'. And in case they DON'T support you taking care of yourself, that may help you safely conclude that MAYBE they DON'T deserve to be clubbed as part of those WHOM you consider as your "GREAT" friends. Bottomline is, BE KIND TO YOURSELF [way prior to extending your kindness elsewhere]. Yes, it is very noteworthy to take care of others BUT NOTHING BEATS SELF-CARE [HOW can you take care of others then if you are unwell]???