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Showing posts with label Why FOLLOW THROUGH Matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why FOLLOW THROUGH Matters. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024



Everything [or most things in life anyways] are oozing with Xcitement at the start.  NEW school.  NEW job.  NEW relationship.  NEW business.  Then just like the bathroom water, it waxes HOT then wanes.  And this is quite a puzzle because no one is exempt from this vicious cycle.  Why FOLLOW THROUGH Matters💴💷💵

Now, if FOLLOW THROUGH is quite foreign to you, let me introduce you to venture into the golf course.  And while I am NO golfer, playing it gives us the best concrete opportunity to dutifully FOLLOW THROUGH each time you hit the golf ball.  You CAN'T let that ball end up in the lake.  Neither in the dense greeneries.  Nor lying incognito somewhere between the seventy two holes in the golf course📗📙📘

Looking back at my years of working in the corporate world, i can bluntly opine that, generally, organizations can shave off EXCESS FAT anywhere from 20% to 50% if only FOLLOW THROUGH is deeply embedded in every member of the workforce.  Conversely, I opine that anywhere from 20% to 50% would NOT have been delivered or produced unless managers and team leaders [and sometimes in mediocre organizations, even up to CxO-level] did the FOLLOW THROUGH💰💰💰

In the workspace, failure to meet deadline, breaches of SLA [service level agreements], failed commitments, failed return calls to clients and even lapses in operational delivery are the most common lapses we see quite often regardless of culture, country or even industry.  Often, we did complete a task because the action of it is "DONE" but we under-emphasize how powerful it is to continue developing, tracking and monitoring operations and relationships💎💎💎

When we hear FOLLOW THROUGH, we tend to think of taking action BUT a large part of FOLLOW THROUGH is about figuring out HOW things will be done.  Once you define your goals, set aside some time to decide just HOW you will reach and achieve them.  WHAT steps will be needed to accomplish them?  WHO will do WHICH steps and WHENWHAT is the desired time-line?  If a strategy does NOT address the "HOWS", it is almost certainly doomed to failure.  This is where FOLLOW THROUGH needs to be embedded for it to be avoided as an overhead in efforts and time✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs!

  Go Find The BLUEs And GREENs! True, the world we live in is made up of opposites.  LIke hot-cold, sweet-sour, males-females, and the list ...

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