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Showing posts with label Attitude Tops The List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude Tops The List. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Attitude Tops The List

Attitude Tops The List

Throughout the years I screened job applicants, what will consume the hiring manager's time are the tons of top-heavy credentials of the candidates.  And that's excluding the window dressings we all expect in CV/Resumes. BUT I didn't spend much time except mapping the candidates with the basic pre-requisites. And I waited for the second phase because to me, Attitude Tops The ListπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

In company recruitments, it's a no-brainer.  Three things we look for are either knowledge, skills and/or ATTITUDE.  And ATTITUDE TOPS THE LIST.  Because organizations DON'T want to have a basketful of apples OR eggs with one rotten one in it because a BAD ATTITUDE are more contagious than ever.  As we now work in 'networked' and collaborative environments, the isolated silos are goneπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

In short, as this post-it note says, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING.  But if you think the ATTITUDE aspect is damn critical in company organizations, let us NOT lose sight that that precious ATTITUDE should still TOP THE LIST if you're looking for the partner you want to share your life with.  And when domestic circumstances get into the picture, that ATTITUDE factor can surface in various forms and shapes.  LAZY.  IRRESPONSIBLE.  DISRESPECTFUL.  INSENSITIVE.  PETTY.  UNACCOUNTABLE.  Name it.  All these manifestations can all manifest out of someone's ATTITUDEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

And frankly, while in organizations and companies, someone who's a confirmed rotten apple OR egg can still be given the pink slip by HR, in your domestic affairs, there is simply NO HR department who will take care of someone who's confirmed to be a square peg in a round hole.  You're stuck with that person with serious ATTITUDINAL issues. And when you're stuck with someone carrying a bagful of ATTITUDINAL issues, you're stuck❎❎❎

So, what's our takeaway?  Be meticulous and incisive enough when figuring out the ATTITUDINAL-side of your prospect, whether he's a job candidate or he/she is the person you're contemplating to be your partner/spouse to share the rest of your lifetime.  Think about it.  He/she could be affluent, impressively working in the corporate world, a swashbuckling top sales performer but when you and him/her finally are under one roof OR one organization, think of the ramifications a rotten apple OR egg will impact you, your team, your life❗❗❗

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