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Showing posts with label Do We OWE It To AWE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do We OWE It To AWE. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Do We OWE It To AWE?

Do We OWE It To AWE?

Not felt or seen on the surface but maybe the science of AWE is worth our talking point today.  Do We OWE It To AWE?  The majestic falls in Niagara., the splendor of Taj Mahal, the cliff-hanger game-winning shot of Lebron James, the breathtaking view of the Grand Canyon, a child being born, what else will induce our deep feelings of AWE?  And as AWE is a complex emotion that can be difficult to precisely define, we have to be aware that feelings of AWE can either be positive OR negative.  And Psychologists call AWE as self-transcendent, something wherein it shifts our attention away from ourselves, making us feel as a part of of something greater than ourselves💎💎💎

Studies also show that quite instantly, AWE can change our perception of time, and even may make us more generous toward others.  Dr Dacher Keltner's research says that AWE does NOT only make us FEEL GOOD but effectively it is also good for our well-being.  And a key influence of AWE is that we feel a SENSE OF CONNECTION to something larger than ourselves.  And AWE encourages us to be more compassionate even as it makes us healthier📌📌📌

What we can cull from studies and researches is that cultivating experiences of AWE is especially important and helpful now as we renew our energy and make plans for a much hopeful future.  Experts further claim that beyond physical effects like tingling and goosebumps and a lowered heart rate under stress, AWE also affects us emotionally.  Studies have also led to believe that people who experience AWE report higher levels of overall life satisfaction💎💎💎

At this point, you might still be puzzled if it seems I'm making a mountain out of a molehill BUT experiences of AWE have been associated with lower levels of reported stress.  That AWE can actively help reduce stress even goes well beyond simply stress relief because apparently. by experiencing SOMETHING BIGGER than us helps us transcend our frame of experience by expanding our mental models and stimulating new ways of thinking✅✅✅
Listening from experts how we can cultivate experiences of AWE, for us at work, a simple and powerful way to experience AWE is to step away from your desk and take an 'AWE WALK',  Take time to wander and be curious and observe the everyday beauty around you, even if it's your yard or neighborhood.  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.  Awhile ago, I stepped out and I was in AWE when I saw my neighbor [for more than 10 years now] repainting his home, and that AWE experience even seemed very effortless.  For us locked in our laptops working remotely, take advantage of the wonders at your fingertips on the web.  Whether you go to Instagram or elsewhere, please do because that AWE experience will do you wonders❗❗❗

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