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Showing posts with label WHY Go For The SEEN [And Not The UNSEEN]. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WHY Go For The SEEN [And Not The UNSEEN]. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

WHY Go For The SEEN [And Not The UNSEEN]?

WHY Go For The SEEN [And Not The UNSEEN]?

According to the Theory of Human Motivation, we seek to fulfill our basic physiological needs like food, shelter and water [and add safety] before other needs like belonging and self-esteem are given the attention they duly deserve.  And only after these needs are met can we move to the higher level which is called 'self-actualization'.  Visually, it is laid out as a pyramid with the basic needs forming the foundation.  So, the question that keeps nagging me [till now] is really WHY Go For The SEEN [And Not The UNSEEN ]!@#$%?

Problem is, we constantly strive for things that are NOT in our best interest.  We tend to be vulnerable in seeking to fulfill higher levels of needs [just like belonging] while sacrificing the lower levels of needs [like financial security and even safety].  Often, we seek things that DON'T really fulfill our needs and instead and in fact, sometimes we end up seeking out things known to be destructive to us.  So, the biggest question is, WHY do we end up with that kind of predicament?

Is it because of VISIBILITY?  Indeed, this makes more sense WHEN we think about our needs as those that are visible and those that are UNSEEN OR hidden.  We then tend to ignore things that are UNSEEN even WHEN they are the most important things in life.  WHAT muddles up things is that this disconnect sometimes tends to distort our own ability to prioritize in a way we would refer to as rational as we naturally tend to address things that are noticeable.  Human frailty?  Bluntly, we tend to peruse the VISIBLE and neglect the UNSEEN.  Frustrating right๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

WHAT happens next is that the SEEN becomes a proxy OR placeholder for the UNSEEN.  We see something NEW and SHINY and assume it will fill a void somewhere higher on that pyramid [and that distracts us].  And the most obvious way this happens is sacrificing financial safety and health [in the form of NOT working towards a higher degree of financial freedom OR engaging in unhealthy behaviors] in order to purchase or peruse things that we think will bring us our higher level of needs.  And I admit I have witnessed this played out over and over again through the years๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“

Some recurring miscues we can easily rectify:

  • I saw foodies so I'll buy more and eat more.
  • I'll remodel my house so the world will see eat.
  • I may be cash-strapped but I'll buy for me to look good
Our takeaway:  The UNSEEN should never be de-prioritized in favor of the SEEN because that is the worst disservice you can give to your life.  Once you live and lead your life in a convoluted way, you could riding in a locomotive waiting to get derailed and end up off-tracked sooner than later.  It's unfathomable to prioritize the SEEN over the UNSEEN ones.  Let's just put a FULL-STOP to this disconnect that will NEVER bring you a better life❎❎❎

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